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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Paperman lifted his hat to him. "Charmed. Frankly, heros and villians both get on my wick. Heros are self-rightous little upstart policemen wannabes, and villians are simply evil little gits who kill people and steal things.... And what happens when the hero's done his work? I'll tell you what happens, people loose things. Think the hero cares? Only when it directly relates to him. Cars crushed, buildings bowled over.... I've seen peoples' homes go up in smoke as a result of a heroic action. One family I saw wasn't insured... lost everything. Homeless for a long time. They lost their daughter to pneumonia on the streets." He sighed. "That's what I do. I save things. Things like money, property... ultimately people."

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Herr Mullen - 05-12-2007, 03:17 AM