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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
OOC: Hmm...intreguing.

Name: Onyxia
Alias: Kaiser Goddess
Age: 25
Species: Dragoness
Gender: Female
Orientation: Bi
Appearance: A 9' dark purple scaled muscular dragoness with a leather tanish colored underbelly running from chest down to the underside the tip of her tail that is fanned out like a leaf. Folded on her back are two dark purple dragonwings. She wears black knee length jeans to red lined flames on the rear along with a equally a black shirt thats big enough just to cover her massive breasts with matching lined flames over each of the breast parts. In fights she wields a giant maul, like a polearm but instead of a blade a giant spike ball the size of a wrecking ball, which she can make disappear and reappear in thin air.


Meteor Firestrike: Her giant maul erupts in flames, she is able to either launch it or use it as a melee attack

Dragonbreath: Able to breath fire.

Claw Swipes: For simple close range fighting uses her own dragon's claws.

Femmine Aroma: She lets out a feminine dragon scent which to males and possibly some females when inhaled makes them aroused and submissive.


If any thing is shoved up her pussy she immediatly goes submissive herself and doesnt want it to stop untill she orgasms. After she orgasms she goes into hybernation in which absolutely nothing will wake her untill the time of her hybernation is over.


In her own world Onyxia was happily flying in the air of the dusk sky with the sun just touching the horizon. Feeling the warm winds running through her dark hair, running around her body she absolutely loved flying. She closed her eyes sighing softly just then without her notice a portal openned up infront of her which she flew right through.

(Earth 1)

Another portal opens up and Onyxia flies out of it unknowing of the change untill she reopens her amber dragon eyes gazing upon the human city below. " I..?" she then descended down flying into the city where she saw pink skinned creatures walking about "I'm..definitly not home."

"MONSTER!!" One of the people screamed and ran.

"M-monster?" Onyxia said to herself as she flew then she hurt a pop then suddenly something recochetted off her tummy then blinke "What the..?" she looked down and saw a man in blue aiming something at her then another pop sound came from it this time hitting her arm which recochetted off her arm again. Since her dragonscales were thick and resilient guns did not work on her, then again she didnt know what guns were. She then flew up to a rooftop getting out of sight looking around trying to get her barrings straight of where she was.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Disturbed - 05-10-2007, 12:03 PM