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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Name: Thomas Speck
Alias: Paperman.
Apparence: Wears jeans and a blazer normally, and has a three peice black suit with striped trousers a bowler and a white mask as his hero outfit. Carries a black umbrella a breifcase and a copy of the Times.
Species: Human.
Orientation: gay.
Abilities: Photocopy vision (It comes out of his blazer pocket).
Faxing from his briefcase (enabling him to introduce new paperwork to systems to allow him to do whatever it is he wants to do).
The laptop in his briefcase which lets him hack from anywhere: mostly into insurence companies.
Encyclopedic knowledge of the phonebook and numbers that do not appear in the phonebook, too.
Ink squirt: His foutain pen squirts corrosive ink at an enemy.
Umbrella bolt: the point of his brolly fires off and into someone.
Rapid crossword and sudoku solving powers.
The power to number crunch easily.
Weaknesses: Tabloid journalism
Leaving things in taxies (if ever he does, he's stuffed.)
Computers that don't work.

On his way home from work, the great Paperman saw two superpeople about to do the rounds. One was metal, the other was telekenetic. Only Paperman stood in their way: he ducked into a phone booth, changed into his superhero outfit, and stepped out with his note book in hand. He quickly summed up the potential damage about to possibly be caused to cars and things, and took out insurance on all of it for the innocent bystanders.

He looked on at the two about to duel.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Herr Mullen - 05-10-2007, 08:34 AM