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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Name: Alexia Dorien
Alias: Crossfire
Age: 18
Species: Experimental mutation (appears human)
Gender: female
Orientation: bi
Appearance: exactly five feet tall, weighing just over one hundred pounds. long, mostly straight, blonde hair with just a little curl at the bottom. She wears rather skimpy clothing, a very low cut T-shirt, and a miniskirt. Both never seem to be the same color twice. She is very slender, having almost no visible muscle on her body.

Firebolt: Shoots twin bolts of flame out of her hands.
Firewalking: Creates a trail of fire beneath her feet as she moves in any direction, including straight up into the air if that is what she wants.
Ring of fire: Creates a circle of flame around her.
Weaponry of the flesh: her hands can become any melee based weapon she needsm though her training in their use is limited
Physical contact: She cannot activate any of her fire based powers while in physical contact with another, making her mostly helpless against a grappling opponent.

Fear of others: Alexia is afraid of any man larger than herself, this fear paralyzes her should they come within physical contact, making her completely helpless against them.

Other: While her fear makes it dificult for her to get to know anyone, she can learn to get over it if presented with a man who has enough patience to show her a protective side.

Alexia stood in the glass dome that served as her home. She had never been outside of it, and very few ever came to see her.

One man, a diminutive scientist that never revealed his name to her, simply came in to check on her, find out what she had been learning and just how she was doing.

The second was a young woman who would sit and talk with her.

The third however, was as different from the rest, as she was from them. A towering hulk of a man who never spoke. When he came into her home, he made it very clear what he wanted, and would never accept no for an answer.

This day however, she wouldn't get a chance to see any visitors, for as she turned to press he button to open the door, she was pulled through a rift in the fabric of space and time.

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Niyara - 05-09-2007, 12:46 PM