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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"Oh boy, this could get ugly." Jack muttered to himself wishing he had parked his truck further away. "Let's just hope none of that finds its way to me."

A moment later, it hit him.

"This is nuts, if I'm going to be watching this, I'm doing it in my armor." He said to himself quickly turning the key in his truck's ignition and promptly speeding away down the street. Hopefully he would've given the impression of some scared civilian driving off before whatever happens, happens, provided those two even noticed him at all.

Once he was satisfied he was around the corner and a few blocks down, he pulled into yet another anonymous looking alley and opened the bed of his truck to don his armor and become the Steel Revenger. After he was finished, the steel-clad, primer gray colored warrior rushed back to where the metal man and the weird looking psychic were, peeking his head around the corner hoping he hadn't missed anything. If things got dicey, he brought a weapon, his lightning spewing voltaic projector.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 05-09-2007, 10:14 AM