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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Still unable to shake the knowledge that anyone who takes more than a mere glance through his driver's side window will still be able to see Jack wearing his power armor, he spies an alleyway, and with no one else looking, he pulls in and around the corner. Getting out of his truck he spends a good ten minutes getting out of his armor and placing the pieces in the bed of his truck. Once the bed cover was secured, Jack was secure in the knowledge that no one should be able to see the armor unless they can unlock the tailgate and lift the bed cover, or read his mind, or see through solid objects. Back in the truck he pulls out of the alleyway and back onto the street towards what he hoped was still his workplace and base of operations. However, he was in for a surprise.

"Ronald J. Harper's Scrap Yard is now a city recycling center?!" He said in complete shock. Looking towards the edge of the street, he found that the warehouses he thought were abandoned, in fact we not abandoned, but heavily used. Looking to his right, he saw a sign pointing to an apartment complex, something he never saw before as he lived in an apartment complex that sprung up in place of the cornfields he lived next to most of his life on the edge of town. Remembering that one guy whom he caught saying something along the lines of,

" apartment should still exist!"

He decided to go in the direction of that apartment complex in the hopes of figuring out exactly what the hell is going on.

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 05-08-2007, 04:39 AM