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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"Excelent work on this one professor... The top physicians couldn't have done better." a dark haired female in a lab coat said, though her tone was cheerful, the look on her face was anything but.

"Wassss there ever any doubt woman? I never give lesss than my besssst." the obese scientist known only as Proffessor Guntram said, his voice dripping with contempt.

"Can he be controlled?" Guntram's assistant asked nervously.

Kaine opened one eye slowly, glancing at the window where the scientists watched him. the drugs that fogged his mind slowly wearing off. "what the hell happened to me...?

"I wasss not paid to control him fool.. Ssssimply to create what you ssssee now. He isss your problem now woman. Take him and leave imediately." Guntram said, turning and walking away.

The female watched the disgusting mass of flesh walk away, then turned to the other door, moving down into the lab. "It is time to go Tobias." she said, her tone bordering on hypnotic as she pressed the button to release his restraints.

"Time to go..? Certainly.. but not with you whore!" Kaine yelled, slamming his right fist into the side of her head, and springing to his feet. His artificial legs moving him faster than his normal ones ever could, but he did not notice this as he charged out the door, meeting no resistance from the security of the compound.

He rammed his shoulder into the steel door to the outside, bending it in two, and bursting through into the open air. Just in time for the portal to open under his feet, and drop him in a place far different than the one he had just left.

He shook his head, and looked around, where technology had once reigned, now appeared to be a park of some kind, something he had only heard about, but never seen. "Where the hell am I..?" he asked into the silence around him.

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Dark Leomon - 05-07-2007, 01:56 PM