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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
"Ok, that was... weird." Jack said as he clearly felt his truck fall through the road and come back... exactly where he was. Though with one key difference, everything around him was newer, much newer as if he had somehow gone back in time. To Jack's memory, this part of town was old, mostly abandoned, save for the scrap metal salvage yard he worked at and the abandoned warehouse where he made his base. Rounding a corner, he stopped a few moments later at a stop sign just in time to hear,

" apartment should still exist!"

"Huh?" Jack said watching the guy run down the street. "Well hopefully my stuff should... still be here... I think... so."

Just as he moved across the intersection, he realized he was still wearing his Steel Revenger power armor, unable to remove it in his truck, he simply took off his helmet and placed it in the passenger seat. Driving to see if his workplace and base still existed, he could not get his mind off whatever the hell was going on.

"I think I saw that guy running in this direction, though I don't think there are any apartments around here... I guess."

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RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 05-07-2007, 01:02 PM