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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Name: Kaine Tobias
Alias: The Emerald Shade
Age: 17
Species: bio-enhanced human
Gender: male
Orientation: bi

Kim drew him for me :)

Other than what you can see in the picture, he is nearly six feet tall, both legs have been replaced by the same type of strange mechanical device that is now his left arm.

Abilities: Detect Power: He can sense other super powers that are nearby, the range is four city blocks, but he cannot pin point an exact direction unless he is within one block, and cannot get an exact location until he is within ten feet.

Active Camoflage: He is able to turn mostly invisible as long as he remains perfectly still.

Blackout: His left arm can produce an electro magnetic pulse, knocking out most electronic devices within a one hundred yard radius (his limbs are shielded from the effect.)

Claws: His left hand ends in a metalic claw which can function as a normal hand, in addition to its obvious implication as a weapon.

Barrier: tapping into the electrical currents nearby (assuming he is in a city so that there will be some there) he can create a temporary shield in a ten foot radius around himself. This barrier is effective against energy attacks, and has a minor effect on a solid attack (such as deflecting a bullet so it goes past his ear instead of through his head.)

Overload: If in an area of great energy (such as near a nuclear reactor), his artificial limbs will absorb too much of it, and shut down, leaving him helpless until he can get away from the area, or he finds a way to take care of the overload (such as activating the barrier, but this would only restore partial mobility.)

Vulnerable to electic attacks: If struck directly by electricity (or an electricity based attack) his limbs shut down the same as the previously mentioned weakness, but remain that way for a minimum of ten minutes. Thsi does not affect his use of the barrier ability, but even that will not do more than protect him for a few moments.

Other: He often seems cold to others upon first meeting them, but will warm up once he gets to know someone. He prefers to go by his last name only, and will only tell his first name to those he trusts.

((I'll post something IC later.. gonna do other stuff for now))

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Dark Leomon - 05-07-2007, 11:59 AM