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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
OOC:You beat me to the punch! I was planning to do a Superhero RP but couldn't figure out an opening plot, oh well, at least I can do this finally. :D

Name: Jonathan "Jack" Harper
Alias: Steel Revenger
Age: 24
Species: Human
Gender: M
Orientation: Straight
Appearence(Superhero): The Steel Revenger armor is based of plans for a sort of powered armor developed by the U.S Army during the Vietnam War Jack found in an abandoned cellar of an old army base. It is a somewhat bulky thing, (6'2) covering the entire body in plates of hardened steel salvaged from Jack's workplace, with broad shoulders and hydraulic pistons at key locations to increase the wearer's strength. The helmet is modeled after an all-concealing motorcycle helmet since Jack's didn't much care for the design in the Army's original blueprints. On the back is a reinforced compartment containing the suit's power source (a modified car battery) as well as the computer equipment and pumps needed to regulate the hydraulics. The suit is colored primer gray as Jack has yet to decide what colors to paint the armor with. Jack had added some extras like an iPod and helmet headphones to keep himself entertained while on lengthy missions. It has been remarked that the Steel Revenger armor bears a vague resemblance to the Master Chief of the HALO games.
Appearence(Normal): Out of the armor and in street clothes, Jack stands at 5'11 with a medium build of someone who engages in regular exercise. His hair is black and kept short, and his eyes are a light brown. His caucasian body is wrapped in clothes of the earth-toned variety, polo shirts, khaki pants, and tall work boots.
Powers: Without the armor, Jack is a completely normal human being. In the armor however, he is capable of lifting in excess of several tons and withstanding heavy punsihment due to the heavy steel plates of the armor, and foam rubber padding beneath used as insulative material. He can also move just as easily as he could outside the armor because of the augmentive hydraulics. In combat, Jack as the Steel Revenger utilizes weaponry of his own design, mixed with some of the hypothetical designs the army came up with during the 60's-70's.
Other: For some strange reason that Jack can't figure out, if electricity enters the suit from an outside source, then the suit's strength increases more and more depending on how much power is channeled into it. This of course either drains or ruins the battery, forcing him to either get a "jump" or a new battery.

IC: In Jack's own home universe, superhumans are not as commonplace as are other dimensions, so their presence is more of a curiosity rather than an accepted fact. Jack, or the Steel Revenger as he's known mainly protects his home town from strange and mysterious threats, like Iron-Man meets X-Files and run on a shoestring budget. One night while driving back to his own "home base" while making sure the local media isn't following him. A strange light appears before his truck, thinking it merely another vehicle, Jack drives on, until his truck falls straight through the road itself.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Kavaan - 05-07-2007, 03:52 AM