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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)

Name: Onaga Serka
Alias: Mind Storm
Age: 40
Species: human
Gender: male
Orientation: straight
Appearance: This is him.
Abilities:Note-all his mind-affecting powers have a lower chance of success against those with great willpower
Mind control-He is able to control anyone's mind.
Mind wipe-Can erase part of a person's mind,meaning he can get rid of some memories a person has.
Mind erase-Erases one's entire memories.
Mind crush-destroys one's mind.
Mental blade-Creates wristblades out of his psychic energy.
Levitation-Allows him to levitate.
Barrier-creates a nearly invisible barrier to stop projectiles.
Weaknesses: Robotics-His mental powers(aside from the blades)can't work against robots.
Own powers-His powers(aside from mind control,barrier,levitate,and blades)take alot of concentration.
Electricity-electric attacks do more damage.
Other: He has special implants that multiply his mental abilities enough to use them for various reasons.The cost-electricity does more damage.

Onaga was running through the streets,being followed by robotic spiders"This day ain't going too well."He turned a corner,only to run into a squad of cops wearing extremely heavy armor.

"Look at what we have here.The wanted criminal,Mind Storm,has arrived."The spiders rounded the corner and stopped behind Onaga"Like our new pets?"Without waiting for an answer,he issued an order to the spiders"Massacre him."

Onaga levitated into the air,out of the spiders' reach.The police aimed gattling guns at him and fired,only for the bullets to hit a barrier.A rift suddenly opened above him as he continued rising,right into the rift.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by amaterasu - 05-06-2007, 02:34 PM