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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Name: Kordath Takaidae
Alias: The wanderer
Age: 18
Species: Anthro Feline
Gender: male
Orientation: bi (prefers men though)
Appearance: Standing at just over six feet tall, and weighing about 200 lbs, this man is a rather imposing figure to be confronted by. He wears a loose fitting stark black robe, and wields a long bladed Dai'katana (or however it is spelled... the one that is really long, and supposed to be used from horseback) Underneath the robe, he wears tight red clothing which does very little to hide his atheletic figure. (like what gymnists wear) His body is covered by dark gray fur, and has a long tail which sticks out behind him.

Hyper speed: He is able to move at a rate four times faster than a normal human's, his reactions are also increased by this.
Lion's strength: His strength is double that which a normal human of his size would have.
Cat's grace: He has nearly perfect balance, and can fall from great heights without harm.
Panther strike: He has natural stealth capabilities, slipping easily into the shadows, becoming nearly impossibl to see as long as he remains still.

Kind hearted: Kordath cannot stand to see anyone in danger, often risking his own life to protect those in need. If prevented from doing so, either by choice, or by force, he falls into a state of intense depression, losing all super powers for 1-7 days depending on the situation (Example.. failing to keep a stranger from getting hit by a car, but they survive, would be one day.. Failing to try to protect a loved one from being raped to death would be 7)

Cat-nip addiction: Normally, he functions well without it, but if presented with an opportunity to obtain some, he has to at least try or he will fall into a berzerk rage, attacking anyone who gets between him and his prize.

Other: Kordath is unused to the "modern" world, coming from a place that was still mostly in the feudal age. He speaks fluently in most languages, and learns new ones with an ease that would be a cause for jealousy amongst scholars and the like.


Kordath walked along the road that went through the center of the area he had chosen as his own to protect. He had driven off most threats to it early on, and spent most of his days in quiet contemplation as he wanders the road.

This day however, as he was walking along the path, a bright flash of light appeared in front of him, sucking him into its depths before he managed to react to it.

Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Angry_kittens - 05-06-2007, 01:17 PM