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The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl)
Name: Ragweed
Alias: Clutch
Age: 19
Species: Non-Anthro Mouse (still stands on back legs though)
Gender: M
Orientation: Str8
Appearance: Ragweed has gold fur, with a white belly, and a 2' 6" long tail, which is a light pink color. Eyes are brown, and paws are a bright white. Dons a Tsurugi, a long thin sword. Stands at 4' 2"
  • Super Speed - Ragweed can run at high speeds, and has insane agility
  • Multi-Jump - Ragweed can jump up to 4 times, jumping once, then again and again in midair.

  • Cheese. if Ragweed smells cheese, its like a fish to a hook. Rag will be on it before you can blink!
  • Tar, Glue, even TAPE. anything that will stick him to one spot, will completely disable his running.
Other: Ragweed is very protective and Chivalrous, and outgoing as well. But he can also be overly serious sometimes.


Ragweed was running down the street as he usually did every day, dong his laps around the city to improve his speed, when a strange rift appeared in the street. luckily the streets were practically empty today. "what the hell is that thing?!!" he said, stopping and walking towards it.
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Messages In This Thread
RE: The Ultimate Superhero RPG Ever (lawl) - by Erethzium - 05-06-2007, 12:43 PM