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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P)
OOC: Heh, told ya they could demonstrate foresight.

By the way, are we at the flood limit yet?

IC: They pulled into the Sons of Jacob HQ garage as Flynn killed the ignition. Levi picked up Dominic once again and brought him to the infirmary, laying him on a surgery bed.

"Thanks, Levi," a silver vixen said. She was dressed in jeans and a plain blue shirt and a lab coat. Her headfur was held back in a modest ponytail. She looked at the battered fur over her square rimmed glasses. "So, you're Dominic Santiago." It wasn't exactly a question. "I've looked over your dossier. You're a tough one to still be alive after the licking you seem to have gotten." She walked around the bed, visually assessing her newest patient. Flynn, Zevulun and Levi stood there, watching. She suddenly turned and faced them. "I'll take it from here, boys." They filed out, a little disappointed they wouldn't get to watch the surgery.

She turned back to Dominic. "I'm Dinah, the medical officer of the Sons of Jacob." She finshed her visual assessment. "For several reasons, you must remain awake while I do my work on you. Have you got any questions before I strip you for surgery?" She said the last bit with practiced clinical detachment.

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RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - by senjuro - 04-24-2007, 01:52 PM