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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P)
Flynn sighed inwardly. Well, that was easier than expected. "You don't look that far gone, and I've seen our doctor patch up far worse. You can call me Naphtali for now." He motioned for the other two to join him. "This is Zebulun," he indicated the tiger, "and Levi," he gestured at the hulking, cybered dobermann.

Flynn smiled as he pulled a phial from under his jacket. "This is silver blood. It contains a high concentration of temporary nanomachines to jumpstart your metabolism and get you healing faster. They'll fizzle in about two days and be used by your nanos as energy and materials for new nanos." He pulled out an injector gun and loaded the phial. "The nanos in here are also programmed to locate and deactivate anything inside of you that's transmitting a tracking signal in case this is a ruse. Standard procedure." He activated the injector. "Are those terms amenable to you, chummer?"

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RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - by senjuro - 04-24-2007, 01:09 PM