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Nate Hunter Wrote:Interesting story... the pace it was written at surprises me very little, it's no sorprise that good authors also can write quickly... partly because a truly good author never accepts delays on a project, such as Writer's Block...

Anyhow, a story that I can identify with (because I identify with Takato, not because I'm homeless)... It's effective, but who exactly is this older man? Jan'yuu Lee? Yamaki? I hope you write more on this story, because I don't feel like it's complete...

The older man is nameless for a reason. He is the personification of all people who use and abuse people.

Mamoru's name means "Protector" which is kind of ironic when you think that Mamoru does nothing to protect Takato and in fact does quite the opposite.

The nameless leader of the G3 Organisation was initially intended to be me (I make a good villain) but I decided to have him nameless as well. He is the personification of all those who turn to terrorism because of their complete anger and feeling of helplessness, because they feel that their voice is not being heard and that they cannot be heard in any other way, because they feel anger and hatred of those in power (whom they say as immoral, as unjust and tyrannical and evil). He is a personification of those who are so blinded by their rage that they see themselves as freedom fighters, when they are nothing more than terrorists.

The story makes its point. As I've stated in the copy featured in the "Reverse Parallels" sub-forum (coz I felt it belonged in there as well as in this sub-forum), this story has ended. I will not right another along this storyline. I feel that this story should end where I left it, so as to give the people reading it a sense of the true helplessness of the situation, of the spiral in which all of humanity has been caught.

The phrase underneath the author's note is quite suitable, I think.

Quote:"If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face- for ever"
- Nineteen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell.

For you see, the poor, the people of the Third World, the slave labourers, the people of the Sweat Shops, the homeless, the people who need to sell their bodies and their dignity to survive, all of them will be there forever and all of them will be trodden underfoot- forever, unless we act to prevent this from happening.

You see, when George Orwell made that comment in his book, Nineteen Eighty-Four, I do believe that he was speaking out against all those who would keep a certain group of people, poor and destitute. The totalitarians keep the people oppressed, poor, powerless. The homeless, the slaves, the prostitutes (well, those that were forced into the profession) are oppressed, poor and powerless.

In Nineteen Eighty-Four, Big Brother and the State keep the Lower Class poor by waging a continuous never-ending war, so as to use up all the resources and goods. Better goods and more resources cannot be given to the Lower Class, thus improving their status and diminishing the gap between poor and rich, if the manpower is being used to make weapons, if the money and manpower is all being poured into the war effort. If the gap is small, non-existent, the lower class will suddenly realise that there is no difference between the two classes and that they would be just as good at ruling as the high class. They might even do away with class and what priveleges would the high class have then?

Perhaps, in a way, Nineteen Eighty-Four mirrors our world and that our world is subtler version of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Perhaps our Big Brothers (our Presidents and Prime Ministers) are just puppets and that the real tyrants are those behind Big Brother. (After all, at the end of the novel, we never know whether Big Brother is a real person or not.)

Anyway you slice it, the poor aren't getting better off. They're getting worse off and the homeless are getting more destitute and women and maybe sometimes men are being raped, abused, prostituted as much as in the past.

Maybe truly, George Orwell was right when he said that the boot stamping on the human face is an image of our future.

To summarise: This story will not continue. It ends where I left it off and that is deliberate, to make a point, to really give the story that much more power. I thank you for reading it. If it made you think, then I have done my job. I am thankful for your comments and I hope you will read my other stories, even if they may not be as poignant or thoughtful.

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[No subject] - by MATTHEWDMETCALF - 02-16-2004, 12:37 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 02-16-2004, 02:04 AM
[No subject] - by Wolf_ODonnell - 02-16-2004, 04:07 AM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 02-16-2004, 05:12 AM
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[No subject] - by Nate Hunter - 02-18-2004, 11:58 AM
[No subject] - by Wolf_ODonnell - 02-19-2004, 02:57 AM