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Handhelds and the games
i have both and this is my "review":


the DS has some great games, like FF3, LostMagic, Nintendogs, New SMB, Animal Crossing: WW, MarioKart DS, Castlevania, and a lot of others. sure, the graphics on this little puppy might not be the best, but they ARE above that of the N64, but not up to Gamecube's level, so the graphics are okay with me, not that i really care about them anyways. and the touch screen. aahhh the good ol' touch screen. it gives a reason that you cant complain about bad controls in most games, and can be used in hundreds of ways, like in Wario Ware: Touched. the WiFi is good, because a LOT of games are single-cart, unlike the PSP, which only has a few games that are single-disc multiplayer. and DS can load games a LOT faster than the PSP can, because its reading off of a card, not a CD. and that brings me to the battery life. DS can run for 4 hours on the brightest setting, and a solid, 19 hours on the lowest brightness setting. while PSP on the other hand, runs for about an hour and a half on highest brightness, and 3 hours on the lowest. now onto Nintendo WiFi connection. i personally like it, and dont like it. currently it just searches for other people who are searching, and matches are with random people, unless you have their code registered, which you can only do by getting it from the person by talking to them. this is usually done on forums / AIM / MSN and the such. i guess nintendo is really worried about pedophiles lol :P


Black Gaming Brick of the future! ahh when i got my psp i was so excited. i had Death Jr, and it was a great game lemme tell ya; platforming AND gunning at the same time! what could be better? and the game lasted me about 3 months, mostly because i didnt play it much, but it still was a great, fun, challenging game. anyways, some games i have for it are: Death Jr, Lumines, GTA:LCS, Me & My Katamari(GREAT KATAMARI GAME FTW), and Untold Legends(another great RPG for the PSP). now the load times on Untold Legends, they're horrible. im talkin' like 30 second load screens where you get to look at a picture and a pretty scrolling silver bar. but other than that, the game was GREAT. the psp does have a GIANT selection of "homebrew" or custom programs people like you and me made for it. now sony, doesnt like this, because some of that homebrew is used for pirating games, and thats why theres like 13 something firmware updates to block it, but you can get things like:

Emulators for: NES, SNES, Game Gear, Genesis, GB, GBA, and now, theres even a FULL SPEED PS1 Emulator. and an N64 emulator that can run SM64 at 22 \ 30 fps. how amazing is that?!



great games
touch screen
huge battery life
lots and lots of multiplayer
DS Lite is small and sleek, and just as powerful as the original DS model.

Graphics - this isnt really a con for me, but for some people it is, so i'll put it here.



nice crispy graphics
good "CD Quality" sound.
ability to play MP3's / Videos / Pictures
Internet Browser. ^.^ <3
sleek layout

low battery life
big and bulky
CD's take a LOT longer to load

that's my "review" :P
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
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Messages In This Thread
Handhelds and the games - by Gabumonfurry - 04-19-2007, 07:16 AM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by UnknownH - 04-19-2007, 08:48 AM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by Erethzium - 04-19-2007, 10:29 AM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by Gabumonfurry - 04-19-2007, 11:16 AM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by TheGayGabuLover - 04-19-2007, 04:03 PM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by Ghostiemon - 05-11-2007, 10:02 AM
RE: Handhelds and the games - by UnknownH - 05-12-2007, 01:52 AM