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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P)
Flynn and Zebulun were stopped before they managed to leave the headquarters by Jacob, a white fox and the group's leader. "Naphtali...your services have been contracted."

Flynn sighed and turned. "Jacob...I need sleep, I've been here for over two days. I can't think straight..."

"The Pacific City Bank is under attack. We don't usually get involved in police dealings but...this is somewhat of a personal matter for you."

Flynn raised an eybrow sceptically. "Oh really?"

"Have you forgotten? Your sister works there." He held out a comm headset. "This will put you through to the officer in charge. Get to your station and help them out."

Grabbing the headset, he rushed back to his station and logged on to the network, effortlessly hacking through the bank's security feeds to get full control over the security system. He pressed a button on the headset. "This is Technology Officer Naphtali of the Sons of Jacob. Am I speaking with the officer in charge?" He pulled up the live video feed. Dammit, this is bad.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - by senjuro - 04-06-2007, 12:57 AM