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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P)
Flynn squinted at the computer monitor, trying to make sense of what he was seeing. "This doesn't make any sense...Levi, where did you get this nano sample?"

Levi spoke in his cybernetically altered dual-voice. "I told you: our last raid on the agency. Our goal was to secure..."

Flynn turned and snapped at the huge, cybered doberman. "Yes, I know!" He sighed. "Sorry, Levi. I'm just frustrated that these nanos won't respond to any of the command codes I'm writing."

Levi laid a beefy cybernetic paw on Flynn's shoulders. "You're doing well, Naphtali. We have faith in you. I'll tell Jacob how you're coming along." He turned and walked slowly from the room, his cybernetic left foot clinking rhythmically on the floor.

Flynn turned back to the monitor. "These nanos could hold the key to my freedom..." He entered a few more lines of code and executed the program, watching as the nanomachines obstinately refused to do anything. He shut the monitor off in frustration, glaring at the vial of nanomachines centrifuged from its users blood. He checked his watch. "Ugh...I've been here for hours. I'm getting some sleep." He left his workshop, locking the door behind him.

"Naphtali!" A tiger strutted up to him. "Where are you off to?"

"Zebulun...I'm going home, I need some sleep."

He put his arm over Flynn's shoulders. "Okay. Want some company?"

Flynn smiled. "Please."

Messages In This Thread
RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - by senjuro - 04-03-2007, 03:35 AM