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Heralds of Valdemar RPG
OOoo! you should have told me! I'll join!

Name: Alita Shendana

Sex: Female

Age: 14

Race: Change-child (anthro feline)


Gifts: She has a strong mage gift with firestarting as a secondary gift at a medium strength. She also has minor thought-speech. (only usable with another Herald, and her companion)

Specialty: Archery and spellcasting.

Nationality: She was born in a small village on the western border of Valdemar.

Description: Alita is somewhat tall for a girl, but not as tall as an average fully grown man. She is surprisinly well developed for her age, her breasts forming gentle mounds beneath her clothing.

Her body is covered by a thick coat of grey fur, her emerald green eyes shine with a light all their own when in the dark, her ears are slightly pointed, and her fingers end in sharp claws.

She is a slender young woman, having the gently sculpted body of an acrobat or dancer.

Breast size: 34 C

Perks: her pussy clenches tightly around whatever is inside of her during an orgasm.

History: She was born during the Mage-Storms in a small village on the western border of Valdemar. It's name has been forgotten as most of its residents were transformed into horrible monsters by the wild magic ripping through the area. She was the only survivor in her family, and was adopted by the Herald who was patroling that sector of the kingdom. She was taken to Haven, and raised there among the exotic allies that Valdemar had gained.

At the age of five, her gifts manifested at full strength, and though she had not been chosen by a companion at that time, she was taken in by Herald-Mage Elspeth, and her husband Darkwind for training in her gifts. Though young, she learned very quickly. Mastering each lesson with an ease that frightened many.

Messages In This Thread
Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:25 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:49 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Niyara - 03-31-2007, 02:57 PM