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Heralds of Valdemar RPG
I'll make a profile for one character, then wait for a couple others before starting.

Oh, I almost forgot.. I would like a brief character history, and a description

Name: Kenzuma

Sex: Male

Age: 13

Race: Change-child (Anthro feline in his case, but can be any animal/human hybrid)

Status: Herald-trainee

Gifts: Far seeing, and thought speeking at nearly equal strength also has a very minor mage gift which allows him to see energy-flows, and detect when others use magic near him. He also possesses a powerful bardic gift which he can use not only to influence his audience, but he can also use it to amplify the powers of others.

Specialty: Music, vocal and instrumental

Nationality: Born in the Pelegiris hills on the edge of the lands held by Valdemar.

Description: He is rather short for his age, but not overly so. His slender frame often gives others the impression that he is a young girl rather than a young man. His voice carries a hint of a purr to it when he speaks which gives his singing an odd, but not undesirable, unique sound.

His eyes are like those of a cat, and his ears are perched atop his head. He has a long thin tail which he wraps around his waist to keep it out of the way.

Cock size: 12 inches by four inches fully erect. seven by one unerect

Perks: His cock vibrates wildly when an orgasm is near.

History: After his birth, his parents moved out of the hills, traveling to the capitol city of Haven. They lived there for many years before their son began showing talent at music, and was inducted into the Bardic collegium. He spent one year there before being chosen by a Companion, and now lives on the other side of the palace with the other trainees. But he still keeps up with his music courses at the bardic collegium because he knows he may need them, and must master all of his gifts in order to truly be a Herald.

Messages In This Thread
Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:25 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:49 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Niyara - 03-31-2007, 02:57 PM