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Heralds of Valdemar RPG
I've wanted to do something like this ever since I started reading Mercedes Lackey's Valdemar books.. There are a lot of them, so I won't even try to list them all.. I'm also sure I haven't read them all..

Anyway.. here is some background info..

The kingdom of Valdemar is a peaceful country, bordered by allies on almost all sides, and governed by a ruling council comprised of the monarch, his or her advisor (known as the monarch's own Herald) and several others including but not limited to.. Representatives from each of the many guilds in the kingdom, ambassadors from allied countries, elected officials from each of the many sectors in the kingdom, and several other Heralds who hold various offices in the land.

The Heralds of Valdemar serve the country by working as a many bodied unit with varied duties. Sometimes acting as peacekeepers and judges when needed. They bring word of any new laws to those who dwell away from the capitol, they also help to enforce those laws when the local guard cannot handle it. In addition to these jobs, they also serve with the army in times of war, and take on other jobs at the behest of their monarch or the Heraldic circle.

They are often refered to as "the glue that holds everything together" for without the Heralds, it would be impossible to govern the land which was founded on the principal that there is no one true way.

The Heralds dress only in white when on duty, and are always accompanied by their Companion, a being of purity which chooses to remain on the world in the shape of a brilliant white horse. The Heralds are well known to be uncorruptable, and are selfless when performing their duties. But when off duty, a Herald can do mostly as they please, and are well known for being a hedonistic and rowdy bunch in those times that they are off duty.

No one can simply walk up to the capitol and say they want to be a Herald. The Companions choose those that they believe to be worthy of the task, though it is not required to accept it.


Name: Self explanatory

Sex: Again, self explanatory.

Age: another that you should know.

Race: Anything goes here.. just make sure that if you plan to be a Herald that you can ride on the back of a crazy thing that looks like a white horse. Or you could be someone else's Companion.. just don't play your own unless you know a lot about the world

Status: Herald, Herald-trainee, Bard, Bardic-trainee, Healer, Healer-trainee, Unaffiliated student, or other (please specify, PM me for other organizations that you could be part of if you don't know anything about the world.)

Gifts: Special powers your character has.. Try not to go overboard

Specialty: What area of study are you best at (examples include but are not limited to. Combat, history, geography, music, poetry, and equitation [riding])

Nationality: What country you were born in (Pm me or just ask someone else for a list if you don't know them)

Cock or breast size: don't go overboard here either, you should be able to judge pretty well how much is too much by now.

Perks: If something other than human then list what weird things happen during sex.

Messages In This Thread
Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:25 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Angry_kittens - 03-25-2007, 12:49 PM
RE: Heralds of Valdemar RPG - by Niyara - 03-31-2007, 02:57 PM