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Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars)
SIDE: Sith
WEAPON: Modified Staffsaber - Two lightsabers with a locking connector at one end, allowing to function as either a staffsaber or two individual lightsabers. Both are red, as is typical of the Sith.
NAME: Damian Albion
SPECIES: Black Anthro Wolf.
DESCRIPTION: Dresses in typical Sith attire. Black leather vest and flowing black robes, with his hood up nearly all the time, obscuring his face.
FORCE POWERS: In addition to the normal Force powers, he possesses:
  • Force Block - Cuts off a Force-Sensitive from the Force, leaving them unable to use Force powers. The downside is niether can the Sith, as he has to maintain concentration on the target.
  • Force Choke - Strangles a victim telekinetically. Like all powers, requires concentration and an immobile target.
  • Sith Lightning - Channels the Force into deadly bolts of electricity that leap from the caster's fingertips.
  • Insanity - A Sith variation on the Jedi Mind Trick, it forces the victim to experience intense fear and confusion, either causing them to flee or be reduced to a catatonic state of shock. The strong-willed can resist this power.
  • Force Throw - Sith can use the Force to levitate and throw massive objects at their opponents.
  • Detonate - Through intense concentration, a Sith can use the Force to cause an object to explode. The more prone to burning or exploding the object is, the easier it is to Detonate. The object has to be stationary though.
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)

Messages In This Thread
RE: Star Wars: Episode XIII, Beyond Good and Evil(furry-based starwars) - by Calibremon - 03-24-2007, 09:04 AM