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Major .hack Hentai find! Must See!
eh. That nothing much. You only barely see any nipple on subaru. Not even pussy. BT doesnt show anything, & mimi-ru only shows her ass, which is nothing special. Honestly, i couldnt care less. Its good work for who ever took the time to post the pic, but all things considered, if they advertized this as exclusive nude footage for the show or game or whatever & really hyped it, & all you got was this pic, i'd be pissed off & feel ripped off.

Only one nipple on Subaru, & its so light. Jerks(the artist)

Messages In This Thread
[No subject] - by Zenaku - 11-01-2003, 11:23 AM
[No subject] - by BigPapa - 11-04-2003, 12:59 PM
[No subject] - by The Reclaimer - 11-14-2003, 07:25 AM
[No subject] - by BigPapa - 12-25-2003, 09:34 AM
[No subject] - by Waru_the_Magnificent - 12-26-2003, 01:43 PM
... - by Blackdragon783 - 12-26-2003, 02:38 PM
[No subject] - by BadAzzMoFo1014 - 01-26-2004, 11:37 AM
[No subject] - by Rikaryo2000 - 01-26-2004, 10:19 PM