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Life of a madman.

Jack gave a laugh as the guards threw Bob into same cell with him.

Jack: "Sooo, what did you do to deserve a death sentence?"
Bob: "I killed my wife... And the man she cheated me with?"
Jack: "Only killing?"

Bob shook his head.

Bob: "No... I hanged her by her own guts."

Some sweat apeared over the forehead of Jack.

Jack: "Then?"
Bob: "I broke into one house... Killed the man there... Raped and killed the mother in front of the kids eyes, before killing him too."

Jack gave a laugh.

Jack: "Not bad. For a amateur."

Bob looked up and was now able to see the figure of Jack. He wore a old clownsuit. He had a skull like face paint and the blood over his lower lip, jaw and clownsuit revealed that he had been chewing on his own tongue.


Bob: "And what did YOU do?"

Jack took a better stance, making sure Bob would see him perfectly if he did not before.

Jack: "See my clownsuit? Kids love me. And I love to hear them scream in pain... "
Bob: "........."
Jack: "I like dull knifes. The victims live longer, you can torture them way longer than with sharp ones. One time, I stabbed this girl 6 times and watched him bleed to death."

Just then, there came a opening voice as the cells door opened and three guards came in with tazers equiped.

Guard: "Jack Smith. You are hereby going to be executed from killing more than 20 children. The jury decided that you will be killed in electric chair."
Jack: "20? More like 50."

The guards took the still laughing Jack. The laugh did echoe around the halls, long after Jack was gone. Bob layed down on the bed and began waiting the day when he too would be taken away and he would receive his punishment.

Voice: "Murderer... Affraid to face reality? Coward... You can't avoid death, love death, be with death.... Death..."


Bob was sitting on his bed, when suddenly the door opened and a woman with blackhair came to sight.

Bob: "Who are you?"
June: "My name is June. I was told to do some psychological tests on you."
Bob: "Tests? Why, I thought I would be killed?"
June: "Records say that you never did get tested. If I can prove what I think, you will not be executed, you will rather be sent to same place with me."
Bob: "Sameplace as you?"
June: "Madhouse..."

Bob was silent for a moment, but then gave a silent nod.

June: "So why do you kill humans?"
Bob: "I... I don't know."
June: "You don't know? Surely, all the families of the victims would be intrested to know why you did it."
Bob: "I said I don't know! I can't help it, I just did it."
June: "Do you hear voices?"
Bob: "Huh?"
June: "Voices, that tell you to do things."
Bob: "Yes..."
June: "Ah, you have a split personality."
Bob: "I... I do?"
June: "Yes and it's quite bad one too. Well, I'll make arragments that you will be transfered to us."
Bob: "Wait... How can you trust me?"
June: "What do you mean?"
Bob: "Why do you think I am telling you the truth?"
June: "I can tell it easily. Rest, we shall talk more after the transfer is done."

June left accompianed with one guard.

Jonathan: "Say, after all these years, you still love him?"
June: "Of course."

Silent moment.

June: "Whatkind of sister does not love her brother?"


June: "Mother... No... NO!!!"

June woke up gasping for air. She was all sweaty as she got up

Will: "June? Is everything allright?"
June: "Yeah... I... I saw a dream about that day."
Will: "June, if you want to talk, I'm right here."

June gave a heavy sigh.

June: "I'm walking down the corridor towards my mothers bedroom. I am happy and about age of six. When I open the door... I see she has hanged herself..."
Will: "I'm sorry June."
June: "After that, the dream goes all blurry. Sudden flashes and voices and screams. Am... Am I becoming mad?"
Will: "You are not. You are just beginning to remember what truly has happened."
June: "Will... You are the closest thing of father I have ever had... I..."
Will: "Hush... Get back to sleep. If you want, I can order to give you a freeday tomorrow."
June: "No, I have lots to do tomorrow. Thanks for listening."
Will: "It's ok. We all sometimes need to share our pain with the others, when it comes too great for person alone to handle."
June: "But what will become of those who keep the pain inside themselfs?"
Will: ".........Someday, the pain will burst out. You can't keep it all inside you forever."
June: "Case of Jack... Is he really dead?"
Will: "Sadly, no."
June: "What?"
Will: "He killed them all. I have no idea how, but they found the dead guards with the tazers shoved down ones throat."
June: "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"
Will: "Because it doesn't concern you, this is my area. Understand?"
June: "Yes..."
Will: "Good. Now get some sleep, everythings more clear tomorrow."
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

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