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Reflection of Regret
Notes: This yaoi lemon is in honor of a friend who has aids and wanted to do a story on a digimon version of it. I will like to

point out that the lemon wasn't written by me but it was wriiten by Poke(Digi)Phoenix. Also if you are not 18 or older then you

can't read this lemon, for the rest of you...enjoy.

Reflection of Regret

Story and Wriiten By Iceflame88

Lemon Secne by Poke(Digi)Phoenix

*In Honor of Romero Luna Gomez*

Chapter 1

Redmon looked at himself in the mirror, then dipped his paws into the cool water and splashed it onto his face. He looked at

the Radio beside him and turns it on, playing Crawling by Linkin Park. He listens to the song while rubbing his forehead getting

a headache for no reason. He was in an in the bathroom of an AFDS clinic, reflecting on how he got the disease. He heard of a

layer that could take any case and wanted to see if she or he would take his case. He had been fired from the place he worked

at for three three years called The Dragon Tower. He looked up at the walls and thought about Icegatomon who was visiting

family in Mexico, remembering the day they mated.


Redmon was laying on his back looking up at with his head onto on his lover's chest. They were both looking up at the stars

when Icegatomon looked at Redmon.

"Redmon?" Icegatomon said.

"Yes?" Redmon asked looking at his face.

"I was wondering if we could....." said Icegatomon blushing.

"Could what?" Redmon asked, wanting to know. He could see that Icegatomon started kissing him on the lips knowing what

Icegatomon wanted to know and smiled. "Oh." said Redmon and kissed his lover back, Icegatomon's paws rubbing the back

of the dragon's head. Redmon's paws rubbed Icegatomon's backside, the blue cat purring and moaning as his lips parted, the

two lovers exchanging a French-kiss. Icegatomon rubbed Redmon on his back between his wings, making Redmon gasp, their

crotches rubbing against each other, their cocks emerging out. Redmon noticed and began jacking Icegatomon off, the blue cat

removing his gloves and doing unto Redmon.

"AH! YEAH! Mmmmmmmmmmm..........." Redmon moaned and gasped as Icegatomon's furry paw pistoned on his leathery


"MMMM! YEAH! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh............" Icegatomon meowed and panted as Redmon's hot hand jacked him off, both

males speeding up. The two males' hips bucked into each other's jacking, orgasm closing in fast. After a while, the two males

orgasmed, their cum spilling out onto each other's paw. The two moaned and spasmed as they orgasmed, their lower bodies

bucking, their tails intertwining. After about three minutes, their orgasms stopped. Redmon and Icegatomon licked each

other's cum off their paws, purring at each other's taste.

"Hey, you want more, love?" Redmon asked.

"Of course. You want more of me, baby?" Icegatomon responded.

"Oh, yeah!" Redmon said, laying Icegatomon on his back and engaging the blue Digimon in a 69. The two worked each other's

cock with their tongues, moaning and purring, rubbing each other's backs and asses. Redmon moaned and Icegatomon purred

as each stuck a wet finger into each other's ass. Redmon gasped and moaned as he sucked harder on Icegatomon's rod,

Icegatomon's cold breath on his hot flesh driving him crazy. Icegatomon moaned and purred as he sucked harder on Redmon's

cock, his dragon lover's hot breath circulating around his cold cock driving him nuts. The two sucked harder and fingered

deeper, moaning, gasping, panting, their orgasm driving ever closer. After a while, Redmon's warm cum flowed into

Icegatomon's mouth while Icegatomon's cold cum pulsed into Redmon's muzzle. Both Digimon moaned and purred as they

drank each other's cum down, their bodies shaking. After nearly three-and-a-half minutes, the orgasms ended, the two lovers

laying on each other, purring.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......." moaned Redmon.

"Aaaaahhhhhhhhhh......." gasped Icegatomon.



Icegatomon got out from under Redmon and laid on his back, lifting his legs. "Nail me."

"OK, my love..." Redmon said, walking to Icegatomon and pushing his cock into the blue cat's tailhole. Icegatomon meowed

happily and purred contentedly as Redmon's warm cock slid into his cold body. Redmon gasped as he pushed his cock further

and further into his lover's rear passage. Icegatomon's legs clamped around Redmon's waist, driving the dragon's cock deep

inside of the cat. Redmon gasped and moaned, humping his lover's tailpipe, both grunting and moaning. Redmon smiled as

Icegatomon purred and squirmed; he knew Icegatomon loved getting yiffed like this, his legs around his waist, tails intertwined

as a sign of affection. Redmon leaned over and kissed Icegatomon on the lips, the purring cat returning the kiss.

"Redmon, this... feels... so... good... more... more... deeper... harder... faster... AHHHHH!" Icegatomon egged Redmon on,

and the dragon responded, pistoning his rod in-and-out of Icegatomon's tailhole faster and hader, pushing deeper with each

stroke. After a while, Redmon roared, firing shot after red-hot shot of cum deep inside his yowling, spasming lover.

"REDMON! REDMON!!" screamed Icegatomon, feeling the warmth of his lover fill him up.

"ICEGATOMON!!!" roared Redmon, spasming and shaking as his orgasm rocked him for nearly four minutes. After his

orgasm ended, Redmon pulled out of Icegatomon's ass and collapsed onto his stomach, gasping and moaning.

"Is that an invitation, love?" asked Icegatomon.

Redmon lifted his tail and nodded, prompting Icegatomon to crawl to Redmon's tailhole and slide his cold cock into the

dragon's warm asspipe, Redmon gasping and spasming a bit in anticipation. Redmon gasped and moaned as Icegatomon

started humping his warm body.

"Oh, Icegatomon, more, MORE!" shouted Redmon, feeling Icegatomon's cold cock get colder the more/faster/harder/deeper

it humped him. Icegatomon purred, speeding up his thrusts, his body shaking and his tail thrashing around, the dragon shivering

and his breath becoming ragged as the blue cat yiffed him his best.


AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" hollered Icegatomon, seconds before, with a roar from both lovers heralding the

event, Icegatomon orgasmed, Redmon's body shivering violently as Icegatomon's cold cum filled his warm body.

"OH YEAH, OH YEAH!!!" shouted Redmon, feeling it all fill him.

"REDMON!" screamed Icegatomon, shaking with his orgasm as it rocked him for over four minutes. When the orgasm ended,

Icegatomon laid down onto his back, huffing and gasping next to a panting-and-moaning Redmon. Redmon smiled at

Icegatomon and licked his cheek, Icegatomon responding with a kiss.

"I love you, Icegatomon." said Redmon.

"I love you, too, Redmon, my dear." responded Icegatomon. The two lovers held each other close and fell asleep.

~~End of Flashback~~

Redmon remember that game like it was yesterday and missed Icegatomon so much. He looked at his watch and left the

bathroom meeting Dr. Renamon on the way. She was wearing docter clothes and holding a clipboard under her arm. She was

the owner of the building and looked at Redmon as she looked over paper that was on the paper.

"Redmon, from what we can tell is that you got AFDS by mating with a male digimon." Renamon told him. Redmon was

shocked to hear this news remebeming the night they mated again.

"Are you sure?" Redmon asked, not wanting to believe this, seeing that the Renamon noded her head.

"I'm sorry about telling you this but you must be informed of it." Renamon explained. Redmon looked at her eyes and nodded,

knowing she was right.

"I better go. I have to see someone anyway." said Redmon, walking away.

~~Lawyers of The Digital World~~

Gatomon was walking though a hall way wearing a black suit passing some digimon among the way. She had just wanted a

case and wanted to rest in her office and talk her husband, Veemon. A female Gazimon joined her with a folder under her fury

arm filled with papers.

"How did the case go?" Gazimon asked, Gatomon and her had been best friends since they were kitties.

"Good. I won the case and i'm going to mine office to rest and talk to mine husband on the phone." Gatomon told her.

"That's good to hear but..." Gazimon started. Gatomon looked at her wanting to know what was wrong.

"What?" Gatomon asked.

"You have another case." Gazimon told her.

"Who's the Digimon?" Gatomon asked.

"A Redmon." said Gazimon. "To tell you the true, he didn't look to wall."

"What do you mean?" Gatomon questioned.

"He was having trouble breathing but then started breath then after that." Gazimon explained, she heard someone coming their

way and turned around to see the same Redmon that she met.

"Hello, I want file a lawsuit on The Dragon Tower." said Redmon to Gatomon.

"Alright, follow me to mine office." Gatomon said, walking to a door which had her name on it in gold wording. She got a gold

key from her pocket and unlocked the door of her office. She opened the door and went in followed by Redmon and closed

the door behind him. "So tell me why you want to give The Dragon Tower a lawsuit?" she asked sitting on her chair.

"They fired me because they found out i have AFDS but they covered it up saying that i lost a copy of a report i was suppose

to do." Redmon explained.

"Oh my god." Gatomon said in shock. "You poor thing. I'll take your case."

Messages In This Thread
Reflection of Regret - by Iceflame88 - 09-06-2003, 08:35 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 09-06-2003, 08:37 AM