11-27-2006, 12:32 AM
Quote:I once had a joke about making the words white and cracker as offensive as black and that one word. And White people will not be called white anymore, We will be called caucassion americans. Let's see how that works.
The funniest thing is I did this in my school when someone called me a cracker, man I had my classmates pretend like its the most offensive thing you can say to me and they went along with it, the African American dumb ass who called me the name to begin with got angry and went away. Man why did "HE" get angry when he used the term "CRACKER" to use on me. It offended me and I did an article for the school paper that wasn't allowed to make the cut into the school paper. It was a satirical approach to the situation but serious, and I mean dead serious, the working title was, "A missing "r" would then make me a 'CRACK-E'? " Go figure that it wasn't published in the paper, and then my head of the paper, a teacher was mad at me that I didn't do anything.... meh....
Just goes to show you that you can be a hypocrite, and fall into the same web of ignorance....