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Thank you, Waru. May you bear many fruits of your loins. ^_^

Scene 4, Take 39 1/2!


Two sets of eyes could be heard audibly blinking.

"...whoa," Tai muttered, staring. His mouth desperately wanted to gape open, but some subconscious part of Tai said no, that would make him look like a fish. It stayed shut.

Kari, however, had succumbed to the urge, and her mouth hung open, her teeth glistening in the noon light. She, too, was staring. "...yeah. Whoa."

There was a pause, a moment of quiet between brother and sister that was quickly filled with the sounds of laughter and chatter that drifted from deeper within the Park.

In a burst of synchronized sound that was somewhere between a whoop and a laugh, Tai and Kari cheered. Some passers-by gave them the cursory "You're Crazy" looks, but neither child noticed, so engrossed were they in the sight before them.

Neon lights shined down from the signs of booths and vendors, which lined the Park's paved paths like good little soldiers around the red carpet. Each had their own ware to share, any little thing; a little something for you and the missus there, sir? These watches are solid silver, sir n' ma'am, I can give you to them at half price, I can I can.

Beyond these booths Tai could see various and sundry games, set up astride and within the path, each with their own theme. Frog Pond Toss, Ring Around the Bottle, Darts, Car Racing, Fishing...Tai's eyes danced from game to game, unconsciously taking in the prizes as he saw them. He felt a line of drool escape his now-gaping mouth as he spotted a rack of Playstation games behind the counter of a booth labeled "Aces Wild". Each row of games on the rack was denoted with a letter rank: A, B, and C. On the A rack he could see a copy of Final Fantasy VIII.

He *wanted* that game.

Tai, drooling and mindless, began to wobble over to the booth, one hand groping futilely at the air, as if trying to clutch and claw at the game. He took six clumsy steps forward--

--and pain shot in wild jets across his nerves, making him stumble, the front of one foot catching on the back of the other, tipping his balance. He waved his arms in the air, trying to regain equilibrium, but the hand of Fate went ahead and pushed him, and he fell.

He landed on the stones below shoulder-first, and groaned. He held his shoulder with one hand and his ass with the other.

"What...THE..." he wheezed, rubbing a spot in the middle of his left buttock. "*Kari*..."

His sister stood over him, her arms crossed over her chest, a look of almost motherly amusement on her face. She looked down at him pityingly.

"You spaced out, Tai," she said. "You were like a zombie. Wipe your mouth, you're drooling." She tried not to giggle, and failed.

Tai shot her a disgruntled look as he wiped away the line of slime dripping off his chin. "Was it necessary to *pinch me*?" he barked.

Kari giggled again. "Yup."

Tai rolled his eyes and pulled himself up. "You could've just yelled at me, or something."

"I did. You didn't hear me."

"I didn't hear anything," he muttered, brushing dust off his shirt and shorts.

"That's what I just said!" Kari chirped, grinning.

Tai sighed. *Sisters*. "Look, I'm gonna go play this game over here, you stay here and--" He blinked, and looked around. "Hey, where'd you go?"

"Tai! Over here!"

Tai turned to the right. Kari was standing next to a Water Gun game, an excited look on her face.

"Tai! I wanna play *this* one!" She pulled herself onto the stool and grabbed the gun by both handles. Five or so other kids joined her on the other stools, each passing bills along to the operator, who pocketed them in turn.

"But Kari, I--"

The operator looked at Kari, then at Tai. He rubbed two fingers against his thumb--"money, please?" the fingers said.

Tai fought the urge to sigh and went over to pay.


Patience, all. I'm working up to something. ^_^


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