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Liar Liar, digi style. Need opinions.
Well, I'm sure some of you must remember this out of the old board, before it went from ezboard to this board here. I got good reviews for being only the beginning of the lemon, in which I make Gomamon go through a case similar to Jim carrey's in his movie Liar Liar. The question is, is it really good, and should I try to finish it should my writing muse return (it seems to be in vacation for months now). I will let you people be the judges and let me know, now, here goes, and I hope you enjoy:

Disclaimer: I don't own digimon, nor any of it's characters, nor the movie Liar, Liar, in which this lemon is based on. And I don't own the DaD or the lemons I will mention either. So, please don't sue. I do own whichever characters or locales I create, though.

Note 1: This lemon takes place after season 2.

Note 2: *************** means a scene change.

Liar Goma Liar
by El Intruder


Gomamon shouted at the top of his lungs as he took a dive from the top of the pier to the water down below. He made a huge splash as his body hit the cool water, and swam underwater for a minute before hitting the surface and taking a deep breath of fresh air. He enjoyed the scenery of the beautiful sunny day in the beach, with humans and digimon alike, having fun and cooling themselves on a hot summer day. He loved summer, especially at this time, when July was just on it's first days.

"Gomamon, time to go!"

"Aww, so soon?" Gomamon whined as he turned and saw his partner, Joe, shouting at him from the shore of the beach. He swam closer so they wouldn't have to shout at each other.

"So soon? We've been here for hours, I already ran out of sunblock," Joe replied as he packed his things on a bag.

"Awww! Okay then," Gomamon whined as he stepped put of the water. Joe got near him and picked him up, so he wouldn't get his body full of sand. Then Joe grabbed a towel and dried his best friend. All said and done, they picked up their things and got in Joe's car, heading for home.

"You won't mind if we make a quick stop at the store, do you?" Joe asked Gomamon as he drove, his eyes glued to the road ahead. The nineteen year old teen had just gotten his driver's license, but he still didn't trust in his driving skills completely.

"Maybe. I got a new movie waiting for me in your house," He said, to which Joe finally turned his gaze and gave a serious look to Gomamon.

"Hey, don't worry, it's rated PG-13 only!" Gomamon quickly replied, smirking and raising his flippers as if to shield himself.

"Okay, good. Imagine what mom would say if she caught you watching things like adult movies, especially since you put all your tapes in my room," Joe said with a smile. "Anyway, I'm just going to the store to buy a few things for the party, remember it's in two days."

"Oh, okay then, I don't mind," Gomamon told Joe as he lied down on the passenger seat, letting the air conditioner cool him down.

Joe drove for a few more minutes, then he reached the small store and parked the car. Both he and Gomamon got out of the car and into the store. They looked around for a while, as Joe picked bags of potato chips and some sodas. However, when they were about to pay up and go home, casually, Joe met a friend from school who was also in the store. Obviously, Joe stopped to talk to him, including about how school had been before summer began. Much to Gomamon's annoyance, Joe didn't seem to be going anywhere anytime soon.

"Joe, I'm walking home, you mind?" Gomamon casually asked.

"Yeah, okay," Joe dismissed Gomamon without even looking at him, still in conversation with his friend.

"Man, they could put three naked girls, one millions dollars, or maybe even a bomb at his side, and he still wouldn't realize it," Gomamon grumbled as he walked out the store.

Gomamon walked down the street, looking up at the blue sky, it was still early in the afternoon. Luckily, Joe's house wasn't far. He sped up his pace a bit and rounded a corner. Immediately after rounding the corner, though, he bumped into someone and fell to the floor.

"Hey, careful there," Gomamon complained as he sat up. He looked up and saw another Digimon in front of him, also fallen down, a bag of groceries on the floor, it's contents spilled. The other Digimon was clearly a female, and a weird looking one at that. She was about three feet tall and resembled a chubby short woman. She had two big black eyes and blue skin, with dark blue plump lips. Those were about her only visible features, as she was dressed in a long, red and blue long-sleeved robe. She wore several rings on her blue fingers, long silver earrings, and several colorful necklaces around her neck. She had a red cowl covering her hair, if she had any, leaving only her face visible.

"Heh, sorry about that," Gomamon said as he stood up. He had a smirk on his face, and was actually trying really hard not to laugh at the digimon's strange appearance, which he found funny.

"Do not worry, child. It was an accident," The digimon told him as she stood up. She had a strange voice, low and calm.

"Sure was," Gomamon replied, still smirking. "Here, I'll help you," He reached down and began stuffing the spilled groceries back in the bag. He took one more look at the strange digimon and suppressed a laugh, though a small giggle escaped his mouth.

"I appreciate it," She said. "My name is Gypsymon. And may I know what causes you joy, Gomamon?"

"Huh?" Gomamon uttered, stopping in his helpful task for a second. "How do you know my name?"

"I know many things," She replied simply.

"Oh, you're like a fortune teller, right?"

"Yes, you could say that," She said as Gomamon finished picking up everything and handed her the bag. "You are very kind young digimon."

"Heh, no problem, just glad to help out," Gomamon said with a smile, scratching the back of his head.

"Now may I know what were you giggling about?"

"Oh, that. I just remembered something funny that happened to my human partner."

"Would you be surprised if I said I don't believe you?"

"Huh? Why not?" Gomamon asked, and his face gained a look of surprise as Gypsymon reached out with her right hand and put her fingers on his forehead.

"You are a terrible liar," She told him as she closed her eyes. "In fact, you lie a bit too much. Like right now, in which you think I look amusing."

Gomamon laughed, a bit nervously. "Oh, no, not really!"

"And yet, you still refuse to speak truth. You know, I do not like being lied to or tricked, and it would have been better for you to just tell me what you really thought of me, I would have felt less insulted."

"Heh, sorry about that," Gomamon simply replied.

"You, my young boy, need to be taught a lesson," She said as she ran her fingers along his face, making him give her a weird look.

"Honesty is good, yet lies are your game, but I am in the mood, to make you truthfully tame," She muttered. She quickly ran her fingers down the front of Gomamon's face.

"Once again, I thank you for helping me. And now I wish you good luck on your new little problem," Gypsymon said. She chuckled in a sinister tone and walked away. Gomamon was left confused at what she was just did, since he didn't feel anything at all.

"What's with her?" Gomamon asked himself as he watched the strange digimon leave. "Oh well, you just can't help but meet some freaks in the streets these days."

Gomamon just shrugged off what had just happened and decided to forget about it. He walked all the way home, not a single care in the world.


"Alright, nobody's home! Now I can finally check that movie with no one bothering me."

Gomamon arrived home to find it empty. It was the perfect time. With all the calmness of the world, he went to Joe's room and turned on the T.V and DVD. he took out a case from his own bag of things in the corner, put the CD in the DVD player and waited for it to load. He climbed onto Joe's bed, lied back and grabbed the remote. While he waited for the movie to load, he grabbed the case and read the movie's description on the back, a smile on his face the whole time.

"Greatest Lemon Hits, Volume 5. Four great lemons, all in one CD for your full viewing enjoyment. Watch the somewhat morbid, yet undeniably cute babyish antics of Terriermon and Lopmon in TankCop's 'Love Babies'. Laugh at just how much trouble an anonymous letter can cause in Hazan_Z's 'That Damn F#$%ing Letter'. Watch as Angewomon proves how love can really be shared with two guys as she takes on both Leomon and BlackWarGreymon in El Intruder's 'The Very Odd Threesome'. And, as a special treat, you get one of the Top 5 Lemons ever. Watch as Veemon, Hawkmon and Armadillomon are Vampmon hunters in their past lives, and how they deal with love, loss, tragedy, new feelings and many other things, in Red Rover's 'Legacy Of The Vampire'."

Gomamon smirked. "Honestly, the stuff people come up with these days. Still great stuff, nonetheless. Good thing Joe didn't see it, he'd be in a lotta trouble, and me too." He put the case down as he hit Play on the menu and settled back as the movie started, showing Legacy Of The Vampire.

To put matters short, he enjoyed it very much, cheering on as the main characters killed the villains in great action scenes and getting the typical reaction a male gets in between his legs when an explicit adult movie is being watched. And it was precisely in one of the sex scenes during the movie that Gomamon heard the front door of the house opening, instantly sitting up and reaching for the remote.

"Gomamon, I'm home. Where are you?" Joe called out as Gomamon heard him walking around the kitchen and setting down the things he bought.

"Damn, I thought he'd be home later," Gomamon muttered to himself as he put the t.v in a sports channel, put the CD in it's case and managed to grab a pillow and position it as if he was resting on it, when it was actually covering the erection he was sporting. Moments later, Joe entered the room just as Gomamon was putting the CD case away with one paw while having a hard time holding the pillow with the other.

"Hi, Gomamon, how's everything?" Joe asked as he began to take off his sneakers.

"Oh, everything's fine," Gomamon answered, trying to keep his voice as normal as possible.

"And what were you doing?" Joe asked as he sat in the bed next to Gomamon and took the remote to change the channel.

"I was just watching the movie I told you about," He replied, getting nervous about Joe discovering what he was hiding.

"Oh, yeah. And what's it about?"

"It's a porn movie," Gomamon replied casually. He then realized what he had just said and his eyes bulged open wide. Joe chuckled at Gomamon.

"You're always a funny little guy. You told me yourself that it wasn't an adult movie because we would both get in trouble. Now tell me, what's it really about?"

"It's an adult movie containing four stories, including actors playing us and lots of sex, mostly between digimon," Gomamon clamped his flippers on his mouth before he could say more, not believing what he was saying. He looked up at Joe who was still smiling.

"Oh, you're not giving up that easily, eh? Alright then. And what's with the pillow?" Joe asked, making Gomamon look down at the pillow he was holding. "Why are you holding it there, trying to hide something from me or are you just tired?"

"No, I'm not tired," Gomamon replied, his breath speeding up a little in nervousness, trying his best to avoid the question.

"Then what are you hiding?"

"I have one hell of a stiffy from watching that porno movie and I don't want you to see me like this! Aaaaahhhhh, what the hell's happening?" Gomamon yelled after his confession. "I can't believe I'm saying that!"

"Okay, let's see what's hidden behind pillow #1," Joe said, still thinking it was all just a joke. Without any warning, he quickly reached and pulled the pillow away, leaving Gomamon with a bewildered look in his face and with an erection right there.

"Oh, my God!" Joe yelled after seeing it was all true. He exited the room and a moment later, he returned with a towel, wrapping it around Gomamon's body. "Cover yourself up, for goodness sake."

"Sorry," Gomamon uttered as Joe put him back down in the bed.

"Gomamon, where's this movie of yours? I have to take it away, we'll be in enough trouble if mom finds it," Joe sternly told him.

"Oh, come on, you're nineteen, an adult now. What's with your mom still babying you?" Gomamon asked, and he immediately realized his mistake as Joe's face turned into a scowl.

"I hope you really didn't mean that, you know it's not my fault that mom's so strict. Now, the movie, where is it?"

Gomamon pointed to the box that carried Joe's CDs, feeling embarrased. "It's the one on top to the left, I didn't have time to hide it better when you arrived."

Joe reached into the box and took the CD that Gomamon had said. It's cover was black and gold, with symbols that probably only digimon could understand, but the back of it was completely different, the description of the movie written in english.

"Man, people come up with weirder stuff every day," Joe muttered as he read it. "Listen, Gomamon, where did you get this?"

"From Gabumon," He said. He gasped, realizing he didn't really mean to say that, so he wouldn't get Gabumon in trouble too, he was trying to say he bought it, but it didn't come out.

"From Gabumon? Are you serious?" Joe asked, a little in disbelief, not really believing that Gabumon, one of the most courteous digimon he'd met, would even own a movie like that one.

"Yes, from Gabumon," Gomamon replied. "He's not who you think he is, he's not a nice, gentle guy that's a complete gentlemon. He's actually a huge pervert, he's got countless movies like this, he's the best costumer of the sex shop that's in that corner near the music store, so he's always got an excuse to go to it without Matt realizing, since he's such an air-head that he stays hours watching stuff for his guitar instead of keeping an eye on his sick little digimon."

Joe was speechless at what Gomamon had said. "Gomamon, are you telling me the truth?" He asked, not really wanting to believe what he was hearing.

"Yes, it's true! Gabumon's one of the biggest perverts you could find! You should see how much he spies on the girls when they're taking baths! Did you ever wonder, back when we first met, and when Devimon tricked us into that fake hotel and Gabumon refused to take a bath? He was spying on the girls the whole time, and they were only kids back then! He still does it whenever he gets the chance!"

"Yeah, well, that day back then, you actually got into the girls bath," Joe told him, not exactly forgetting that day so many years back.

"My intentions were not to be a pervert! I just wandered over, I didn't know they'd be that mad!" Gomamon cleared.

"So, Gabumon's a pervert, eh?" Joe asked. "You still haven't given me an exact proof of it."

"I have more than one," Gomamon replied, not knowing why he was saying all these things. "Do you remember that day two years ago, when we all went camping to the Digital World, near the place where we all first met?"

"Yes, I do. Why?"

"You remember how in the morning you woke up to find Yolei, Mimi, Kari and Sora all upset because their underwear had disappeared?"

"Yes, I..." Joe stopped before finishing, understanding all. "Wait a minute, you mean...?"

"Yes, Gabumon stole them. Actually, that's one of his secret hobbies. He steals girls' underwear. You should see how many he keeps in a trunk hidden in an abandoned warehouse near the house where Matt's family lives. He sneaks over every night, steal whatever underwear belongs to a pretty girl that he finds, and he takes them to the warehouse, where he already has a whole big pile of them. You should see how he loves sniffing them, he does it so much that I fear he'll snort them all the way to his lungs one of these days!" Gomamon yelled out, already blushing. "Oh my God, I can't believe I'm saying that, I promised to never tell anybody!"

"Gomamon, maybe you should stop watching Ranma 1/2, it's making you delirious."

"I'm not delirious, and besides, I don't watch that show, it sucks."

"Whatever you say. Hey, wait a minute, how come nobody knows about this and you do?" Joe suspiciously asked his nervous partner.

"I'm not the only one. Veemon, Agumon, Tentomon and Armadillomon know as well, they also rent movies from him, he wins good money like that."

Joe leaned on the door frame and sighed. "Man, this world is going nowhere. Look, Gomamon, I'll go take this back to Gabumon, alright? I don't think I'm in the mood to keep talking about this."

"No, wait! I'll take it!" Gomamon quickly said as he jumped out of bed, tossing the towel away as his erection had fully gone down. "I prefer to do it myself, I don't want to get anybody in trouble."

Joe sighed again. "That's good. Here, you take it back. I need a shower." Joe handed the case to Gomamon and walked over to the bathroom. As soon as he had gone in, Gomamon put the case in his mouth and ran out of the house as fast as his little legs could carry him.


"Okay, calm down, Gomamon, and think about this," Gomamon told himself as he sat on top of a slide in a playground, watching the afternoon sky. He had gone to Matt's house, did his best work at sneaking in, left the CD in one of Gabumon's not-so-secret places of hiding them, and ran away. Luckily, no one was home at the time. He still couldn't believe how well he had sneaked in and back out without any neighbor spotting him.

"Whatever's happening, it's very bad," Gomamon spoke with himself. "For some reason, I couldn't lie to Joe. It was as if someone was forcing me to tell the whole truth."

He then remembered that strange digimon he had encountered. "Yeah, it had to be that digimon, Gypsymon was her name. She really did put a curse on me. I should find her and get myself out of this mess."

He made his way sliding all the way down the slide and landing on all fours and began walking away, resolving to find her before it started getting late.


"Man, I can't believe my luck!" Gomamon grumbled angrily as he started making his way home. He had walked for the rest of the afternoon throughout the whole area in which he met Gypsymon, and had no luck in finding her. Since he didn't let anybody know anything about staying out late, he had no choice but to go home now, empty-flippered, and with his curse still intact on him.

"What am I gonna do, what am I gonna do, what am I gonna do?" He repeated over and over, distressed beyond himself. "How am I going to survive if I have to be honest with everybody? I'll have to watch my back even when I sleep if I can't control what my mouth is spewing out to people."

He sighed deeply and stopped to brood a little over his situation. The sun had fallen and dusk settled in, as Gomamon was pretty near his home, yet he didn't feel like going home, at least not until he could solve that problem. His broody thoughts were interrupted as he felt someone suddenly grab him from behind.


Gomamon yelled for all it was worth, his troubled thoughts distracted him from everything else, so, someone grabbing him from behind was just enough to send his nerves over the edge. He fell flat on his back, yet he looked up from his position, as he saw a giggling friend.

"Sheesh, you're jumpy today," Gatomon told the fallen seal digimon, still giggling. Gomamon didn't feel like giggling. He rolled on his stomach and looked down. Gatomon stopped giggling and reached over, petting Gomamon's head as an apology, his mohawk flattening and springing back up to it's original position everytime Gatomon passed her gloved paw over it.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that," She apologized to him.

He sighed, too worried about other things. "It's okay, no harm done. I'm just upset."

Gatomon gave a little smile. "Come on, let's take a walk together." This said, both of them began walking in the direction of Joe's house, Gomamon still looking sullen and sad, while Gatomon looked concerned for him.

"What're you doing out here alone?" She asked him, breaking the awkward silence.

"I was just looking out for someone, to solve one huge mess," He answered back, still depressed.

"Ah, I see. Well, if there's anything I can do, let me know."


Minutes later, they reached the front of Joe's house, lights were on inside, and they could hear the voices of Joe and his parents talking, while the delicious smell of fried chicken drifted out of a window. Gomamon sat on the porch, and Gatomon sat next to him.

"So, what were you doing outside at night yourself?" He asked her.

"Well, I'm just like any common cat, I need nightly strolls. Besides, taking a walk outside, watching all the lights and stores is definitely much more fun than staying in an apartment in which Kari's only gossiping with her friends for hours on the phone, while Tai and Agumon keep yelling like sickos while watching action movies."

Gomamon couldn't help but chuckle, and Gatomon smiled together with him. They looked at each other, and chuckled again.

"You know, you always find ways of making me smile. Funny to see how the papers turned this time," She told him with a smile, stroking one of his cheeks with the blunt side of one of her claws, making a slight blush appear in his cheeks, and he smiled normally now.

"Yeah. You know, it's been a while since we last spent time hanging out together. I remember when we spent a lot of time together before Ken came as the Digimon Emperor."

"Yeah, and you still haven't taught me how to swim," She said, and immediatelly grabbed him and began to tickle him, making him laugh, and she laughed along as well.

They wrestled around the porch for a few minutes, until Joe peeked out from the door to check the ruckus, and with a smirk of amusement at the overly cute scene of Gatomon pinning Gomamon to the floor while tickling his ears, he let Gomamon know dinner was served, and went back inside.

Gatomon sighed, and with a smile, let Gomamon get up. "You know, maybe we should begin to spend time together again."

"Yeah, I really do miss spending time with you, and heck, I don't even know why we've been away from each other, maybe because you hang too much with Patamon and the others," he casially said, then immediatelly shut his mouth before his curse made him say anything he might regret.

"You know, it's true. Besides Agumon and Patamon, I'm not spending enough time with the old bunch," She told him, making him relax. "I promise I'll spend more time with everybody, mostly with you. Now, you go get your dinner, I'll head back home. And remember, anything I can help you about that problem you're having, just let me know."

"Thanks. Bye now, hope to see you soon."

"You bet," She told him, and then neared him and gave him a kiss on his cheek. "Night."

Gomamon saw her leap down to the street and walk calmly on her way home, and with a soft sigh, a little smile, and blushing, he went inside for dinner, and it wasn't until dinner ended and he went to bed that he remembered the curse on him, but he had enjoyed that short time he managed to relax and forget for a while about his problem.


Gomamon swallowed the last piece of already chewed-up bacon in his mouth as he walked out the front door, feeling just like new, and his mind fully set on finding Gypsymon to end his curse. Before he stepped out, however, Joe called out to him.

"Hey, Gomamon, where are you going so early?"

"Out to solve a problem," He simply replied, wanting to get away quick.

"Okay, but I need you here by around three o' clock, alright?"

"Okay, I'll be here, if I can."

"By the way, have you seen that my new shirt?"

"I used it the other night to wipe a puddle of chocolate syrup I accidentally spilled. Left it inside the empty laundry machine........Oh, shit!" he suddenly yelled, running as fast as he could.


"Sorry, it was the only thing I found at the moment!" Gomamon yelled back, even though he was sure Joe probably didn't hear him, he was too far away now.


Gomamon sat on a bench in the third floor of the mall, where all the food stores were. He sipped on a soda, having finished lunch, and sending one of his fish friends flying back home with the change of what he bought. When one didn't use clothes, it was useful to have some sort of creature materialize out of nowhere to help bring and send one's own money home and back.

Gomamon tossed the empty soda can on a trash can and began to walk, going down to the first level by elevator. He kept walking, staring occasionally from side to side.

"Figures," Gomamon spoke to himself. "Women always hang out mostly in malls. If there's a place I might find Gypsymon first, it's here."

He tried on the first floor of the mall, then checked others. He spent hours walking and searching, resisting the urges of entering the arcades, toy stores and candy stores, or taking a dive in the huge and beautiful fountain in the very middle of the mall, in the first floor. After a few hours, he gave up, climbing on an empty bench to rst his aching legs, more depressed than the day before.

"My life sucks," He muttered, slumped in the seat. "I got a curse on me, I can't find the one who cursed me, I can't lie, I'm gonna get in huge trouble..."

Messages In This Thread
Liar Liar, digi style. Need opinions. - by El Intruder01 - 07-29-2003, 07:20 PM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 07-29-2003, 09:01 PM
[No subject] - by circeus - 07-30-2003, 08:27 AM
[No subject] - by Duce - 07-31-2003, 05:33 PM
[No subject] - by urban dream - 08-03-2003, 07:17 AM
[No subject] - by silver centurion - 05-11-2005, 04:04 AM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 05-11-2005, 01:44 PM
[No subject] - by silver centurion - 05-11-2005, 04:21 PM
[No subject] - by UnknownH - 05-12-2005, 01:09 PM
[No subject] - by silver centurion - 05-13-2005, 01:41 AM