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Digimon meets Eminem(Lyrics A Eminem parody song)
Many years ago, me and another Digimon fan made lyrics of Eminem Parody song called "The Real Digidestined". Just thought I lay it down for ya.

by Nuke Mayhem and Evgeniy Shpoont

May I have your attention please.
May I have your attention please.
Will the real Digidestined please stand up?
I repeat, will the real Digidestined please stand up?
...I think were gonna have a problem here.

Yes, I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?

You all act like you never seen a Digidestined before,
just a kid with digivice and a Digimon that's all.
Just whipping evil viral Digimon's ass so bad,
that even the new bad guys like run hell (Ahhh!)
Season 2, it's the return of the "Oh wait, no way, your kidding,
he didn't say what I think said did he?"
And Gennai said... nothing you idiots,
Gennai's dead, he's locked in my basement.(ha, ha)
All the nerdy chicks love me (chigga, chigga, chigga)
"This Digidestined, I'm sick of him, look at him,
carrying the crest of you-know-what, digivolving you-know-who"
"Yea, but he's so cute though"
Yea, I probably got a couple of screws up in my head loose,
singing Mimi's karaoke song, breaking into my parents' bedroom
Sometimes, I wanna get on TV and let loose,
but I can't because Saban and Toei say they'll sue.(d@mn)
"That's copyright infrenchment, that's copyright infrenchment,
and if you continue saying your a Digidestined, we'll sue you for every cent."
And that's some of the messages they give to little kids.
Trying to hide what Tai and Matt's relationship realy is.
Of couse they're gonna know about gay hentai by the fourth grade,
they got the internet, don't they?
We ain't nonthing but heros, well some of use zeros
punks who wears other's goggles and act like assholes (Davis:HEY!)
But if we can digivolve animals and anilopes,
then there's no reason a Digimon and a human can't elope.(Eeeww!)
But if you feel you're a Digidestined, I got the anidote
Call your digimon, sing the chorus, and it goes...

Yes, I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?

Picachu doesn't have to struggle to make a profit,
well we do, so fuck him, and you pokefanatics can suck it.
You think I give a damn how poorly the Digimon movie did,
most of you critics couldn't stomach it, let alone understand it.
"But Mr. Digidestined, what if you were a part of the in crowd, wouldn't it be wierd?"
Why, so you guys can lie to get me to another Pokemon movie premier,
so you can sit me here next Britney Spears?
Misty better switch me chairs,
so I can sit next to Brock and Tracey... what every his last that came with his first
and hear them argue over who she gave head to first.
Little bitch, blasting Digimon on YTV,
"Yea, the show's cute but pointless and silly"(teehee)
I should download an audio and a mp3
on how the last thing you'll ever gonna do is give this Digidestined b.d. (AArrg!)
I'm sick of you wannabe monsters shows,
all you do is annoy me, so I been sent here to deleat you(*static*).
And ther's a millon Digidestined that are just like me,
digivolving digimon like me, and kick evil digimon's ass like me.
And they may dress up, talk like, and act like me,
they may be the next best thing, but not quite like me.

Yes, I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?

I'm like a head trip to listen to,
cause I'm only giving you things you only joke about
with your friends on your chat rooms.
The only differance is that I got the balls to say it,
in front of yall, and I don't got to be false to sugar coat it all.
I just get on the web and spit it, and wherther you like to admite it, (rrr) I just shot it.
And 90% of you Digidestined out there,
then you want the digimon eat these songs like food.
It's funny; cause at the rate I'm going when thirty,
still be saving the world from evil digimon,
getting low and dirty...
But by now I keep telling my pup to digivolve and it isn't working
and now my parents want to send me to a mental surgen.
And every person is a Digidestined lurking.
He could be working at Burger King, (like Joe) spitting on your onion rings
Or could be in his bedroom, (like Ken) on his balcony,
screaming "I don't give a fuck" with his window down and his computer system up.
So, will the real Digidestined please stand up,
and put one of those fingers on each hand up?
and be proud to be outta your mind and outta control,
and one more time, loud as you can, how does it go?

Yes, I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?
Cause I'm the Digidestined, the real Digidestined,
not some theasbian, the real Digidestined.
So won't the real Digidestined please stand up,
please stand up, please stand up?

Ha ha, I guess there's a Digidestined in all of us.

Messages In This Thread
Digimon meets Eminem(Lyrics A Eminem parody song) - by Nuke Mayhem - 07-28-2003, 04:36 AM
[No subject] - by Darkfox - 08-12-2003, 06:40 AM