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Thanks, Waru. ^^

I write in scenes, so consider this Scene 2, Take 3. ^_^

I'm building up to the sex (read as: avoiding it for as long as possible), so you're gonna have to wait a little while if that's what you're looking for. It's going to be the story's climax (pun intended), or somesuch. ^_^

Enjoy Scene 2.



Tai kept walking.


He kept walking.

"Tai? Tai--"

He clenched his fists twice, listening with a strange satisfaction as the joints in his fingers made scattered popping noises, and kept walking.

"Tai?" Kari repeated, one hand playing nervously with the edge of her shirt. "Tai, you--"

Tai's ears stopped hearing three seconds after he heard his name. He cracked his neck this time, turning it this way and that, that way and this, side to side, up and down, and kept walking. They were quite a ways from their apartment building now.


Tai jumped, arms jerking backwards, his shoulders hunched and his head jutted forward in a sort of full-body spasm. His eyes were huge and his teeth were gritted behind stretched lips. He stood stock-still on the sidewalk, looking like a freakishly realistic statue of a high-grade schizophrenic.

He remained frozen in that pose for a dozen or so seconds, then, with markedly jerky movements, he turned his head to look at his sister.

Kari smirked and let her whistle drop back against her chest, the little ball inside jingling merrily. "Tai, you forgot something."

Tai parted his still-grit teeth just enough to say "*What*?" before letting his jaws snap closed again.

"The money," Kari said simply.

Tai stared.

Kari rolled her eyes and rummaged in her pocket. "It's in here *somewhere*..." she muttered. "Ah! Here." She held out her hand, which was stuffed with bills of various values. "Mom told me to give it to you. It's for the carnival." She smiled sweetly, and added "Just for you and me."

Tai blinked, and suddenly found he could move. He turned on one heel, took the money from his sister, and counted it. His eyes widened as he did so. It was a lot of money. A *LOT*.

"Tai, is something wrong?" Kari said. "You look weird."

"No, I'm fine," he lied, stuffing the bills in his pocket, unconsciously looking around, as if to spot some incoming pickpocket or thug who knew, just *knew*, that Taichi Kamiya had about seven months worth of allowance in his pocket. They were in the bushes, for sure, ready and waiting to jump him.

*There's no one in the bushes, dumbass,* he scolded himself. *You're just paranoid.*

*Just for you and me*, Kari had said. *Just for you and me*

*You* and *me*.

Tai thought about the amount of money in his pocket. He grinned.

"This might be fun," he muttered to himself, rubbing his chin. "There's *my* share, and then there's *her* share...of course, it has to be even..." He did some quick math, and his grin widened. "Not bad, not bad..."

An insistent tugging--on his shirt, he decided--brought him back to planet Earth.

"Taiii..." Kari whined, tugging some more. "Are we going or not?"

Tai rubbed his hands together. "Yeah, yeah, we're going. Take my hand, all right? I don't wanna lose you."

Kari nodded and took his hand. She felt her heart flutter and her body tingle with heat as she felt the flesh of his palm and fingers close around her own.

*Today is gonna be GREAT!* she cheered silently.



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I Just Love You ~REBORN AND UPDATED~ - by _agz_ - 07-23-2003, 02:32 PM
[No subject] - by Waru_the_Magnificent - 07-24-2003, 01:01 AM
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[No subject] - by UnknownH - 05-18-2004, 03:54 PM
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[No subject] - by UnknownH - 06-04-2004, 03:09 PM