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Previews Of Upcoming Releases
Do you know what's frustrating for an author? The fact that neither DaD or the other place ... doesn't have a lot of visitors to the forums, and consequently little feedback is given to lesser known authors like myself. Because I really have no clue WHAT those of us who still read lemons want, I've prepared a broad range of projects all to be published here at the DaD and over at the other ... place ^_^

I will finally be returning to the DaD while still doing stuff at the other D-word place thingamagig meaning that I will at last have my Author library updated from whatever number it is now (like four?) to the nine written, plus these other projects that I think will finally get the fan-base I want. Please tell me if you have any requests for my grab-bag of lemons coming to a computer scene near you.

Forever's End Episode Seven - "No Vacancies"
Hiro and the new Digimon Tamers stumble upon a hotel in the middle of nowhere. Although it seems to good to be true, they finally are able to eat decent meals, sleep in a real bed, and even have room service - and all for FREE! But ... are things really what they seem?

The Polyjuice Potion
A spin on Chapter Twelve of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Hermione accidently turns herself into a cat/human hybrid and is stuck in the girls bathroom with Moaning Myrtle for an hour, but it turns out that the cat she turned into was in heat. Can the intellignent and moral Hermione keep herself that way for another hour, or will she give in to basic instinct?

Forever's End The Movie- Codename: Prometheus
For weeks, Hiro and the Digimon Tamers have been wandering the Digital World not really knowing where they are or how to get back. When they find an abandoned interdimensional craft called the Prometheus and climb on board, are they really homeward bound, or is there something within the ship that will snap their very moral fibers and innocence ... something ... ALIVE!? (Megalemon, will be aprox. 100 pages and will include lots of sex.)

Many years after peace settles in the 01-02 world, Kari, now a full grown adult woman, finds herself alone and regretting not hooking up with TK, who has become a world famous author, and she always loved. When she sees TK in one of her students, will she get the chance that she always wanted as a kid?

The Only One She Ever Loved ... (Hope and Fear)
The sequel to "Mon in the Mirror," after being sent back home (after defeating the D-Reaper) Renamon has been searching for ten years across the seas of the Digital World in search of the only person she ever loved - herself, MirrorRenamon. The clone has been nowhere to be seen since her departure on the Gronni clone, but one day Renamon finally finds her love, and finds that she is about to die. In a powerful sequel to the original, you'll feel all the sensations Renamon does - love, hate, ecstacy, and fear.

Messages In This Thread
Previews Of Upcoming Releases - by Notorious - 07-16-2003, 08:42 AM