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Lemon in the lemon series. Final one?
The final lemon in the saga. Is this the end of series? Give feedback and it decides it's future.

Hooray for boobies! -a digimon lemon part 3 in Return of pirates saga
The final part in this saga and also the longest one in it. I hope everyone enjoys the great finale. Oh, not that lemony again, as it is a story based. (that happens in every sagas last part, have you noticed?)

Ben catched the last of the balls shot at him with his hands. Body covered with sweat, he panted heavily and turned right, where MISTER BIG T had just returned from to observe his student.

MISTER BIG T: "Pretty good. How do you feel?"
Ben: "Is this what training feels like? I can hardly move my legs and my hands are all sore…"
MISTER BIG T: "Yes, but after a small rest, you will not only return to your normal state, you will be better than you were."
Ben: "I want to train more."
MISTER BIG T: "Very well, follow me and we will train your ki…"


High Ruler Trevor took a small sip of some of the purple colored wine from a glass. Gazing to his right side, he saw his sister combing her hair.

Trevor: "Again busy with your hair?"
Maria: "Well, I'm gonna attend at the peace contract between us and Koraks."
Trevor: "Ah yes, I completely forgot about them. Well, I hope you will do fine."

Giving a yawn, he stretched his arms. He hated work like this. Without his sister being a royal advisor, he would be engulfed with even more boring paper work. He would rather enjoy being a free soldier, to fight on fields of glory like High General Merton was. Looking down at the glass, wich was now near emptined, he placed it over the small night table and rised up from his throne.

Trevor: "I'm gonna go outside catch some air."
Maria: "Don't be out too long, the peasants want you to solve some of their problems again."

Trevor was painfully aware of this fact. He hated answering their stubid questions how to make their pitiful lifes better. Changing his robes to something more comfortable, he left the building.


Akiama was laying on the bed. She was thinking about two things. MISTER BIG T and his hands over herself. The thought of him touching and rubbing her all over, made her become wet. Reaching her hand down to her panties, she began softly rub herself through them. Giving a moan, she moved her other hand up her tits and began rubbing them too. Moving the panties aside, she began rubbing her pussy harder, making wet sounds. Arching her back, she closed her eyes, thinking it was her lover who was playing with her pussy. Moving her fingers, she inserted one of his fingers inside her wet pussy. Gasping, she opened the bra, revealing her tits. She began fondlind them, while she pinched her nipples. She inserted another of her fingers, adding even more pleasure to herself. She moaned and came against her own fingers. Removing the fingers, she brought them close to her face and licked her juices off from it. It tasted so good, she whimpered.

Akiama: "MISTER BIG T… Please, be safe…"


Ben: "Master T? What is it?"
MISTER BIG T: "It was odd, it was like I had felt a weak ki coming from Akiama, but that couldn't be… She doesn't know how to harness any of ki powers."
Ben: "Are you sure it came from her?"
MISTER BIG T: "I'm positive. Anyway, we will arrive at the planet in a few minutes so be prepared."



Merton: "Right, you two come with me. You guys go to the right side and wait for my signal. Rest of you, stay in here and wait for further instructions."

Merton smiled, the trap was perfect. The heroes would never know what would hit them. The rocket landed and it's hatch opened and the heroes walked outside of it calmly.

Merton: "ATTACK!!!"

Just then, all the aliens on the right side, began firing up with their lazers, shooting at the heroes. However, no matter how skilled they would be with firearms, that won't help them in fight against earths mightiest wariors.

Renamon jumped up in air, shooting white beam, frying some of the soldiers. Nuke jumped right in the middle of crowd and began throwing people around. Ben was just about to join, but then MISTER BIG T put his hand before him.

Ben: "What?"
MISTER BIG T: "Now is not the time yet. We can take care of them ourselfs. You just make sure you are in 100% shape when we meet their leaders."

At this time, Merton was shocked to see his best men slaughtered in front of him.

Merton: "W-who are those guys anyway? They are faar more powerful than anyone I have ever seen."

It wasn't long, before the whole army Merton had brought with him, were dead. Not even a moment later, MISTER BIG T took Merton into chokehold and raised him up.

MISTER BIG T: "What do you think you are doing, by attacking us?"
Merton: "I was just following my orders, I wasn't ever told you were so strong…"
MISTER BIG T: "That's too bad."

After saying this, MISTER BIG T slammed Merton to ground with all his strength. With mere pause, he prepared a small ki blast and blasted it at Merton, killing the alien.

MISTER BIG T: "Ok, I have been studying the structure of this place and found out they made a fatal mistake. Over the structures, there is a giant fan, wich cools the temperature, cleans the air, etc… It's metal is no thicker than a mere sewer pipe. If we place a explosive on it, it will cause the temperature to raise at extreme rate. However, there are two guards guarding the door and someone needs to distract them from the alarm switch. We don't want a full scale alarm yet."
Renamon: "And then?"
MISTER BIG T: "The heat will make the machinery, such as security cameras, guns and everything out of order. With this done, we can access the main power source room, where they have this huge reactor wich powers up not only the palace, but the entire city. We overdo it's routine, making it go into eternal power loop, wich makes it finally go into meltdown, wich causes a explosion as great as nuclear explosion."
Nuke: "That sounds like it could actually work, but what about their secret weapon?"
MISTER BIG T: "I was just coming to that. Some time during this operation, someone from us needs to go and steal the blueprints of their secret weapon. Also, if we see it, we need to destroy it completely, you just never can't be TOO sure."
Ben: "Question. If there will be the explosion, why must we destroy the weapon and steal the blueprints seperately?"
MISTER BIG T: "Because the meltdown takes awhile to begin, so at that time, they could move the weapon away or save the blueprints."
Ben: "I see…"
MISTER BIG T: "And of course, we need someone to stay in place and guard the rocket, to prevent anyone from stealing it and preventing us to leave this place."
Renamon: "Naturally."
MISTER BIG T: "So basically, each of us has a task he/she must perform alone."
Renamon: "I will destroy the fan."
Nuke: "I guess, I'll stay behind."
Ben: "Blueprints are mine."
MISTER BIG T: "I guess, I'll destroy the reactor then. Anyway, everyone go where I told you to go. It's almost impossible to get lost. We will meet back here, when you will hear about the malfunction alert. We then fly back to earth for safety."



The two alien guards were standing, guarding the entrance to the fan. Suddenly, the all naked Renamon walked right at them, rubbing her tits.

Guard 1: "H-hot damn! What a pesky little alien!"
Guard 2: "Hooray for boobies!"

As the two morons, left their post (and the alarm switch, wich was right next to them) and when they had went faar enough from it, Renamon blasted them both, ending their short and unsuccesful life as a guard. Opening the door, she went inside the room with the fan, looking around. Suddenly, she felt a blow hit her from behind. Turning around, she saw the sister of the current High Ruler. She gave a devilish grin, seeing how Renamon had dropped to her knees from the power of her blow.

Maria: "You are so weak, aren't you girl?"
Renamon: "Who do you think you are, hitting me like that?"
Maria: "I'm Maria, the sister of Trevor, our High Ruler."
Renamon: "Oh yeah? Well, your family sucks."

Saying this, Renamon jumped straight at Maria, making her fall to her back and hit her head against the floor. Seeing how she was uncouncious, Renamon began preparing the bomb. Setting the timer, she ran away quickly to safety.


Ben looked around the room for any blue prints or clues about the secret weapon. Being so busy with his task, he forgot to be silent and the noise caught attention of Trevor.

Trevor: "A invader! This is great, finally I can test my new Krom blade!"

Saying this, Trevor pulled a huge sword to sight. At sametime, Ben was looking through documents, when the blade hit above him. A little lower and he would have lost his head. However, Ben realized, it was meant to just to scare him, not kill him yet.

Ben: "Are you somekind of warior or something?"
Trevor: "Hah, I wish."

Saying this, Trevor slashes his sword again, this time it did hit against Bens face. Giving a grunt, Ben touched his face, where there was a bloody wound.

Trevor: "I must thank you. Being a High Ruler is very boring job. It's not often I can personally kill and skin a person."

Saying this, he moved his sword in try to kill Ben, but this time, Ben was able to dodge and he kicked at stomach of Trevor. Backing a little, Trevor raised the blade of the sword in front of him. Suddenly, he began slashing at Ben at fast rate. Bens face was filled with pain as bloody wounds apeared all over his body from the slashes. Finally being able to hit back at Trevor, Ben was able to buy a minute for him to gather some breath. But if this would keep up, he would die.


MISTER BIG T opened the door leading to the reactor and wiped some sweat from his forehead. The heat was already incredible here, how much more would it be near the reactor? Opening the door, the humongous heat wave hit him, making him nearly faint. Focusing his strength to move his feet forward, he went towards the reactor. Finally reaching it, he noticed it was much cooler around it. But just when we was setting the bomb, a small dagger hit him against his right shoulder. Turning to the direction dagger had come from, he saw his best student Jeanine stand up and looking back at him with cocky smile.

MISTER BIG T: "What… Did you do to me?"
Jeanine: "Like the poison in the dagger? It will slowly make you weaker and weaker…"
MISTER BIG T: "Is this what you call fair fight?"
Jeanine: "I don't care how you call it, but the most important thing is to win no matter what the means used."

Saying this, she began summoning TZEN BASATRA.

MISTER BIG T: "Jeanine, I can sense you can control your power well. But I warn you for last time. If you don't leave, I am forced to use my full power against you."
Jeanine: "TZEEN…BASATRAAA….. Times, 3!"
MISTER BIG T: "So be it."

Moving his palms up his side and giving a grunt, MISTER BIG T began muttering some words. It wasn't like he was using Tzen bastra though. The earth shook and MISTER BIG T's eyes became red, his teeth became sharp and his whole body was filled with huge muscles.

Jeanine: "Impossible! No one can control Tzen Basatra that well… It would rip your body to shreds in a instant!!!"

Trying her best, she shot two beams at MISTER BIG T who didn't even brother dodging. Moving his hands in upward motion, he shot a fireball wich struckt against belly of Jeanine, making her fall to ground. Jumping over her, MISTER BIG T took hold of her.

Jeanine: "Go on… Finnish me off."

MISTER BIG T held his right hand up. It was shaking.

MISTER BIG T: "Jeanine, I don't want to kill you."
Jeanine: "Then I will kill you and all your friends. I will start out with that little bitch back in earth… Your fear has revealed her too… I will kill them all… Do it. Do it. Do it. Or else, you are the one who dies."

There was a crunch, when MISTER BIG T had hitted Jeanines throat. Tears in his eyes, MISTER BIG T began praying for his former student and took hold of her, lifting her lifeless body up to his shoulders as he set the bomb to cause the meltdown.


Voice: "Warning! Warning! Huge power loss at sector five and B! Self termination sequence comencing!"
Trevor: "Goddamnit! What the fuck did you guys do??"
Ben: "Master T…"

Seeing how Trevor had payed attention to the announcement, Ben pushed against him with all his power, making him drop the sword. Both of the fighters getting up, Ben took fighting stance and began hitting at Trevor who blocked the blows, like they had just been playing around. Suddenly giving a kick with knee, Trevor sent Ben flying to his back. Fortunately for him, Ben saw he had flied next to the sword. Taking hold of it with his both hands, he swinged it towards Trevor.


Trevor had raised his left hand to defend himself. 3/4 of the hand was cut off, but the blade had stopped it's movement and it didn't kill him. Giving a groan, Trevor hitted Ben with his right hand, making him fall to his back again.

Trevor: "How dare you try to use my own blade against me??"

Screaming in pain, he felt around his left arm, wich was nearly completely cut off. Looking back at Ben with watering eyes, he began ranning towards him. Ben rolled to side and tripped Trevor, making him fall to his stomach. Quickly pulling the sword out, Ben slashed it towards head of Trevor, seperating it. Giving a loud sigh, he dropped the sword and looked around. He had no time to find the blue prints anymore. The only thing he could do was to hope the aliens had been only bluffing about the weapon.


Nuke: "Master, what the hell are you carrying her body with you?"
MISTER BIG T: "We can't leave her like this in here. We must burry her propely atleast."
Nuke: "Are you sure, she is dead?"
Renamon: "My poor… Poor child…"


MISTER BIG T had finnished burrying Jeanine next to Tank Cop. Looking at his good friend and his once innocent daughter, he couldn't help but feel hollow inside. Jeanine died for what she thought was right. Giving a sigh, he looked up in stars in sky. It was getting dark, so he went inside home to meet up with his girl friend. Just before opening the door, he looked back at the graves and said "Never again." He opened the door and met up with Akiama who was just painting a picture of him. His friend had died and his daughter died… The thing he trained for had no purpose anymore… But the love between he and Akiama… That was to live for.

The end.

Remember, say yes or no, should I continue the series.
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Lord Patamon Wrote:King of sadism alright, that's a perfect title for you

Messages In This Thread
Lemon in the lemon series. Final one? - by MISTER BIG T - 07-09-2003, 02:44 AM