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Adventures in the Pokemon World
Part 3

Jade, Victor, and Wendy walked along, slightly behind Jessie and James. Their mode of transportation was farther away than they had thought, which called for a short hike. They had all stopped for a rest, though and Jessie and James along with Meowth went to check out some "official Team Rocket" business that they wouldn't understand...or so they said. That left Jade, Wendy, and Victor some time to converse.

Victor: I think it's cool that we have Pokemon now.

Jade: Yeah! That was a cool battle too. I'm surprised that you won...Playing the game yeah, but actually battling would probably be a bit more difficult.

Wendy: Yeah, I know what you mean. I didn't think I was going to win myself. I wonder how my Starmie had Thunder and Harden.

Victor: Maybe with our Pokemon we go by what they have in the games.

Wendy: Maybe. I just thought of Pokemon Stadium for attacks. Maybe ALL of our Pokemon are like that. They have moves that no one would ever imagine.

Jade: Yeah that would be cool! Hmm, I wonder what kind of Pokemon I have and what other ones you have.

Wendy: Well, let's see! I already know that I have a Starmie and an Arcanine.

Victor, Wendy, and Jade all took the Pokeballs from off of their belts. Victor tossed out his first.

Victor: Let's see, I have a Meowth, a Raichu, a Zubat, a Golduck, a Marril, and a...

Jade/Wendy: Cool, a Lapras!!

Victor: I bet this Meowth doesn't talk.

Wendy tossed hers out next.

Wendy: Lucky, you have a Lapras!! Let's see...I have a Sandslash, a Vaporeon, a Pikachu, and a Marril too, along with my Starmie and Arcanine. (To her new Pokemon) Hi guys, I guess I'm your trainer. ^_^

Jade: My turn, here goes.

Jade tossed out hers.

Jade: I have a Raichu, a Beedrill, a Charmeleon, an Ivysaur, a Tauros, and a Kadabra. Cool! (To her Pokemon) Hi there. I'm Jade and I'm your trainer while I'm here.

All of the Pokemon smiled at the three and saw them as their friends.

Wendy: These aren't too bad.

Jade: How about we battle to see what kind of moves they have.

Wendy: That's a good idea.

Victor: Ok.

They were about to, until Jade heard something.

Jade: Hey, Team Rocket's coming back.

Victor: Ok.

The three returned their Pokemon to their Pokeballs.

James: Come on, we have to go now.

Victor: Ok.

The three obeyed and followed James. They stopped in front of a balloon with a Meowth shaped head.

Wendy: Why am I not surprised that they're using a balloon?

Jade: They did say earlier that they were headed to Mandarin Island for some reason.

Victor: I think it would be better if we went by sea. Let's just leave them and ride on our Pokemon. I'm sure my Lapras knows surf and that your Vaporeon does as well. And since Lapras is such a big Pokemon, Jade can ride with me, (starting to flex again) the real man of this group.

Jade frowned at the idea.

Wendy: It's not like we know where we're going, kid. We should stick with them. Besides, we'll be better off looking for everyone by air than by sea. If we're up in the air, we'll see everything and possibly everyone.

Jade: Yeah, I'm with Wendy on that one.

Victor: But, but what if the balloon pops and we "blast off again!"

Wendy: With us along, it probably won't happen.

Victor: What makes you so sure?

Wendy: I don't know...I'm just sure.

Victor face-faulted.

Jessie: All aboard! (Noticing Victor) What's with him?

Jade: Good question.

Wendy: I think the Kid is just tired.

James: Um...why do you call him "Kid," instead of Victor?

Jade: That's name for him.

Victor: Ok.

James: Oh.

They all hopped into the balloon. James pulled the string and they all began to go upwards into the sky...


Meanwhile, Ash, Gary, Misty, Tracey, Panda, Robby, and Ken were continuing to make their way down the path, in search of Mandar City, capital of Mandarin Island. The group appeared to be lost once again. Misty sighed heavily and picked up her Togepi.

Misty: Ken, are you sure you know where you're going?

Ken: For the last time Misty, I know where I am.

Robby: Don't worry, Misty. I'm pretty sure we're real close.

Misty: But how do you know that Robby?

Robby: (Puts an arm around Misty's shoulder and points straight ahead of them) Because I can see the buildings of Mandar City from here.

Ash, who was walking behind Misty and Robby, gritted his teeth. He pushed himself in between the two, and grabbed Misty's hand.

Ash: Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!

As Ash began running, dragging Misty behind him, Gary smiled.

Gary: Looks like Ashy Boy is jealous of you, Robby.

Tracey: Hmm...You've got a point! (Yelling) Wait for me, guys! (Runs off after the duo)

Robby: I've never seen Ash act this way before. He's usually too stubborn to show he likes Misty. I, on the other hand, would be glad to show my feelings towards her.

Gary: (raising an eyebrow) Didn't you say you just met them? (suspicious tone) You sound like you've known them for a long time.


Panda: What he's trying to say is that five minutes around those two seems like a lifetime! (Grabs Gary's hand) C'mon Gary! We'd better catch up with them!

Robby and Ken watched as they ran after the trio.

Ken: She made a good save.

The two boys then followed their five friends. Five minutes later, the group stood in the outskirts of the bustling town.

Misty: Where do you think the carnival is? I'm really looking forward to having some fun!

Ash: Ken, do you know where the carnival is?

Ash finally released Misty's hand, and she turned a bright shade of red. Ken glanced around, and saw a poster on the side of a building.

Ken: Of course I know where it is! All we have to do is follow this road, down to the beach. And voila! We'll be at the carnival.

Misty: (With hearts in her eyes) It's down by the beach? That's so romantic! (turns to Ash) Don't you think so, Ash?

Ash: Well...uh...I think that...

Robby: (Interrupting) Of course it is, Misty. Moonlit walks on the beach are great, too.

Misty: Wow, I didn't know that you were such a romantic person, Robby. (To herself) Unlike Ash...

Ash: (Very loudly) Well, let's go! I'm going to ride everything, eat popcorn and cotton candy, and go through the House of Mirrors...

As Ash continued to talk about what he was going to do, the others followed him.

Back with Team Rocket, everyone was flying in the balloon, high in the air.

Victor: Um...Miss Jessie, why are we going to Mandarin Island?

Jessie: Official Team Rocket business.

Victor: Ok. (Silent for a while) Miss Jessie?

Jessie: Yes?

Victor: How come this balloon looks like a Meowth?

Jessie: Because our assistant is really fond of Meowth!

Victor: Ok. Um, Miss Jessie?

Jessie: (Getting annoyed) WHAT!!!!

While Victor was questioning Jessie, Jade and Wendy were conversing.

Jade: I'm starting to get worried...we haven't seen anyone and we've been up here for almost an hour.

Wendy: Yeah, I know. I'm also wondering how we ended up with Team Rocket of all people...not that I hate them or anything. They're my favorite characters of the entire show, especially James.

Jade: That's it!!

Wendy: Huh, what?

Jade: You just said it! Team Rocket are your favorite characters. Maybe we all ended up with the people we like the most! I like Team Rocket too and I'm fond of James as well!

Wendy: Good theory! Do you think that the others ended up with characters they like too?

Jade: Probably. I know that Nukem and Loachu always liked Ash and the others...

Wendy: ...and you said that your sister was always fond of Gary Oak, but what are the chances of us meeting up with him! He's rarely shown.

Jade: Yeah...I know.

Wendy: least we'll probably find the others if your theory is right. Team Rocket ALWAYS runs into Ash.

Jade: I want to know why we're here. This is scientifically impossible!

Wendy: I know.

Suddenly, the two girls heard an annoyed scream. They turned to see Jessie turning red and breathing out fire, like she did in The Battling Eevee Brothers, holding a large mallet, and James holding her back as well as Meowth.


Victor: (Quiet/innocent tone) I'm just curious.

Meowth: Calm down Jessie, we're almost to Mandarin Island.

James: Yeah, we'll be right over it pretty soon! I can't hold you back and control the balloon at the same time!!

Jade and Wendy sweatdropped.

Jade/Wendy: (to Victor) Come on kid, let's go.

They pulled him over to where they were standing.

Jade: Don't you know not to annoy Jessie of ALL people!!

Wendy: Yeah that's a no-no!

Victor and Jade gave Wendy a look.

Jade/Victor: "A no-no?"

Wendy:'s true. (Laughed nervously)

Jade: I'm surprised she took out her mallet on a kid.

Wendy: Yeah, me too. Well, at least we're about to get out of the air and that way Jessie'll be able to cool off.
~ Back at the Carnival ~

Ash: MISTY! ROBBY! Where could they have gone off to?

Tracey: I'm sure they're fine. They're probably off at one of the game booths or something.

Ken: Yeah, they weren't hungry when we all ate.

Gary: Don't worry so much, Ashy Boy! I'm sure your girlfriend is fine! (Laughs)

Ash: GIRLFRIEND?? Hey, you've totally got the wrong idea! Misty is just my friend!

??: Sure, Ash. She's "just a friend."

The group turns towards the new voice and sees none other than Brock and Professor Ivy!

Brock: Hey Ash!

Ash: Hey Brock, what are you doing here?

Brock: Professor Ivy and I are here taking a break. We decided to come here because a carnival sounded like it would be fun.

Prof. Ivy: Yes, and it was a well-deserved break, too.

Ash: Oh, hello Professor Ivy! How are things going at your Pokemon Observatory?

Prof. Ivy: Just great! Brock has been a great help! I don't know what I would do without him. And please, just call me Ivy.

Brock: So, who are your friends, Ash?

Ash: Oh, well, you've met Gary. (Points to Gary) Misty and I met Tracey, here, right after we left you at Prof...I mean Ivy's. Everyone else, we met today. This is Ken and Panda. Robby is off somewhere with Misty. Everyone, this is Brock, and Ivy.

Gary: Ash forgot to mention that Panda is also looking for her sister and her sister's two friends.

Brock: (Whispering to Ash) When did HE join you?

Ash: Earlier today. Panda actually met him first.

Brock: (Out loud) Well, it was nice meeting you all! We'd better get going. It was nice seeing you again, Ash. Tell Misty I said hi.

Prof. Ivy: (Pulling Brock away) Yes, it was nice meeting you all. Ash, don't stop training until you become a Pokemon Master. I know you can do it!

Ash: Thanks Professor! Take care, Brock! (Waves as they disappear into the crowd)

Ken: I can't believe it! That was Brock!

Panda: My sister's going to be mad that she wasn't here to meet him.

Ash: (Giving them both a weird look) Yeah, well Brock is a gym leader. It's not surprising you know who he is.

Ken/Panda: Oh, right!

Meanwhile, Misty and Robby were riding on the Ferris Wheel. Since they weren't hungry when the others sat down to eat, they decided to go off on their own and check back later.

Misty: (Peering down from their bucket) Wow! Robby, look how high up we! It's kinda scary, actually, but fun at the same time!

Robby: (Kisses Misty on the cheek) Well, the best part is being up here with you.

Misty: (Blushes and looks at Robby) Robby...

Robby: I'm sorry. I hope I didn't cross over any line. I just think you're a really cool girl.

Misty: Thanks. I think you're nice, too. (Pauses) And it's ok. It's just...

Robby: It's Ash, isn't it? (Smiles at the look of shock on her face) I can tell you guys like each other.

Misty: It's nothing like that! I...just don't know you too well.

As their bucket came to a stop at the bottom of the ride, Misty and Robby stepped off. Misty picked up the stuffed Pokemon doll that Robby won her at the ring toss, and the two began to make their way back to where they left the others. Minutes later, they joined everyone else.

Misty: Hey guys.

Panda: Hi Misty, Robby! Misty, where did you get that cute doll?

Misty: Oh, Robby won it for me! Isn't it so cute? Golduck is one of my absolute favorite Pokemon!

Ash: You missed Brock, Misty. He was here a little while ago.

Misty: Really? That's too bad! It would have been good to see him again.

Ash: Yeah, well if you hadn't been running around...

Tracey: (Interrupting) Uh, what should we do now?

Ash: Well, we should probably leave soon, and get back to what we're supposed to be doing. (Looks at Misty pointedly)

??: It would be rude ta leave without givin' us your Pokemon, first!

??: To Protect the world from devastation...

??: To unite all peoples within our nation...

??: To denounce the evils of truth and love...

??: To extend our reach to the stars above...

??: Jesse!

??: James!

Jesse: Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light!

James: Surrender now, or prepare to fight!

The duo floated down from their balloon, holding onto a rope. As their feet touch the ground, both strike a pose, and Meowth jumps down between them.

Meowth: Meowth that's right!

Ken/Panda/Robby: Team Rocket!

Jesse and James look at the trio.

James: Well Jesse, looks like the three up there aren't the only ones impressed by our very presence.

Jesse: Looks like you're right, James. (Strikes a dramatic pose) Team Rocket is finally getting the appreciation we deserve!

Ash: (Stepping forwards, with Pikachu right by his side) What do you guys want now, not that we don't already know!

Gary: So, this is Team Rocket? (Waves his hand nonchalantly) These are the same two goons you battled for your Earth Badge, Ash!* They don't look too tough to me.

* Reference to the Pokemon episode "Battle for the Badge"

James: (Holding Jesse back) Oh yeah? Then maybe you can explain why we've got three new recruits!

Ash: Three...

Misty: New...

Tracey: Recruits?

Meowth: Meowth that's right! Meet Jade, Wendy, and Victor.

Meowth pushes a button on the remote he's holding, and the bottom of the Team Rocket balloon opened up. Three ropes fell down, and three figures slid down the ropes.

Jade/Wendy/Victor: Hi!

Wendy: (Noticing their three friends) Looks like your theory was right, Jade.

Jade: I guess so, Wendy. Wherever Team Rocket goes, they're sure to find Ash, and the others are here too! Even Gary Oak is here.

Victor: Cool!

James: Hey! You're supposed to like us, not the brat!

Jade/Wendy: (With stars in their eyes) Of course James! We love Team Rocket.

Victor: Yeah, and you love James, too!

Jade and Wendy glare at him, and advanced towards him. In a matter of mere seconds, they had the offensive boy gagged and tied. Everyone sweatdropped as they witnessed this.

Panda: It's good to see you again, Jade.

Jade: You too...(Pauses to read her sister's lips)...Panda!

Panda: You remember Robby and Ken, right?

Wendy: Robby and Ken, eh? That's cool! How did you all get here?

Panda: Well, I met Gary first, and then we ran into them. They were with Ash, Tracey, and Misty. Then, we came here. (A semi-evil smile crosses her face) Oh, and we just met Brock. You just missed him, sis.

Jade: (Facefaults) WHAT?? YOU GUYS RAN INTO BROCK AND I WASN'T HERE??? (She begins to look for him everywhere: behind game booth counters, in the lines, and even under various objects. After being unable to find him, she screams dramatically) IT'S NOT FAIR!!!

Everyone else: (Sweatdrops)

Meowth: Jade?

Jade: Yes, Meowth?

Meowth: COULD YOU SHUT YOUR YAP? YOU'RE EMBARRASSIN' US ALL!!! (Jade shrinks back in fear, and shuts up) Thank you.

Jesse: Now, for the Brat. (turns to Ash) Hand over your Pikachu.

Ash: Never! Pikachu, use your thundershock!

As Pikachu was about to do as Ash said, Jade throws out a pokeball.

Jade: Kadabra, go! Use teleport now!

As Pikachu's thundershock was about to hit the group, Kadabra teleported them behind Ash. They spun around to face Team Rocket.

Panda/Ken/Robby: You have Pokemon??

Jade: Yes, and I'm sure you do, too.

James: Wow, you saved us from Pikachu's shock!

Jade: (Pats Kadabra on the back, and returns it to the pokeball) Not really, James. I just didn't want to get shocked! (Team Rocket falls down anime style, and Jade turns to Ash) Ash, do you think we could get along, just for a little while? We really need to figure out how to get home.

Ash: Well, we could, if they do! (points to Team Rocket)

Jade: Jesse, James, Meowth...Do you think you could forget about capturing Pikachu for a little while?

Wendy: Yeah, we ARE at a carnival, after all. Let's just have some fun!

Team Rocket huddles together in a group, and then faces everyone again.

James: You've got a deal!

Jesse: But only for the time being!

Meowth: Then it's back ta catchin' dat Pikachu!

Wendy: This is getting weirder and weirder.

Wendy then realized something...she was with two of her fave characters.


Jade: (Gritting her teeth) I don't believe I missed him.

Wendy: Well, if they're around here, maybe you'll get to see them.

Wendy then ran over to Tracey and shook his hand vigorously and also held James' hand.

Wendy: (Talking fast) Hi Tracey, pleased to meet you, I think you're really cool, and it's EXTRA cool that you AND James are standing right here and...

Everyone sweatdropped from her fast talking.

James/Tracey: Huh?

Wendy:...but you don't compare to James and do you mind if I call you Kenji?

Tracey: Kenji?

Wendy: Yeah, for some reason, I think the name suits you. Oh please, oh please say yes. (Innocent smile) ^_^

Tracey: Um...okay, let's get going. (To himself) This girl is nuts and I don't believe we're working with Team Rocket!

James: What was all THAT about?

Meowth: Hmm, they're nuts.

Ash: Come on Team Rocket and funny stuff.

TR: Okay, okay.

The newly formed group all shook hands, and then they set off to have some fun.
Back in the "real world," a lone figure was staring at a screen in front of him. He was wearing a long, white jacket, as if he were some sort of scientist. On the screen, he was watching the exchange between Ash, Team Rocket, and the newcomers.

Man: Excellent! My experiment worked! I have finally successfully merged the real world with that of an imaginary world! (Laughs maniacally)

A woman, who is also wearing a long, white jacket, steps into the room.

Woman: Doctor Malcolm?

Doc Malcolm: Yes, Sheila, what is it?

Sheila: Phase one of the experiment has appeared to be completed successfully.

Doc Malcolm: Yes, I know. (Gestures to the screen) I've been watching their progress here.

Sheila: Should we continue into phase two, then, Doctor?

Doc Malcolm: (Rubs hands together in anticipation) Yes! Now the real fun begins.

To Be Continued . . .

Messages In This Thread
Adventures in the Pokemon World - by Iceflame88 - 02-02-2003, 05:55 AM
[No subject] - by Mr.Onizuka - 02-02-2003, 06:31 PM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-03-2003, 03:12 AM
[No subject] - by Red Mage Dragon Tiamat - 02-03-2003, 09:46 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-03-2003, 10:34 AM
[No subject] - by Hybrid Halogen - 02-12-2003, 10:17 AM
[No subject] - by Iceflame88 - 02-12-2003, 11:39 AM