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Fic: "Letting Off Some Steam" (Masturbation, AU)
The following fic you are about to read is a lemon. No, not lemons as in those little yellow sour fruits to make lemonade, I mean lemons as in a fanfic which also contains adult material of sexual orientation. I.e. people having sex. If you cannot stand to read a fanfic which has characters of digimon having sex, then you should probably leave right now because you are either too young, or you're one of those people who thinks that having sex is evil and that we'll all be roasting in the fiery furnaces of blackest hell. (Blackest Hell! YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!) Whatever it is though, if you're still here, that means that you are mature enough to handle reading digimon characters gettin' their groove thang on. Aw heck, I might as well stop talking because you've probably scrolled down already in order to get to the good parts, huh?

Gee, thanx fer caring about my feelings, you barbarians.

Disclaimer: All characters, unless otherwise noted, are copyright of TOEI. Don't think you can make any fast cash by suing me, boowie. I'm flat broke :(

Messages In This Thread
Fic: "Letting Off Some Steam" (Masturbation, AU) - by The Infamous Boss Reo - 04-19-2003, 01:59 PM