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Say Goodbye to Gas Guzzlers?
In the last Popular Science, there was an article that talked about a hybrid inspired by the X Prize, a created open contest where $25,000,000 USD would be awarded to the first company to bring a 100 mpg car to the market. And it looks like soon this'll happen!

The Aptera Concept, one of the ugliest three-wheeled cars I've ever seen, may hit the market soon in two years with a cost of under $20,000 USD. Despite the Goldmember-mobile's looks, this car is expected to pull off about 330 MILES TO THE GALLON! This car would be a godsend to the environment, which is obviously starting to fight back against us.

But what I'm wondering is: will this change anything? How many citizens are willing to pick the mileage of this scooter over the looks of the 20 mpg Ford Pickup, or the 35 mpg Civic?

Would you?

[Image: aptera.jpg]
(The Aptera Concept).
I certainly wouldn't be able to purchase those. It'd be over 60.000 Pesos here. Stupid IMF...
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
It's looks kinda cool. Kinda futuristicy (That is now a word copyrighted by SDP all rights reserved to me.)
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I wonder how many people have put together higher mileage = less refuels = higher gas prices. I don't know that it's true, but it certainly seems sound to me -- by making cars with a higher mileage rating people need to buy gas less often, and when people buy gas less often, the companies make less money. So they raise prices. Some people blame gas guzzlers for high prices, but maybe it's the popularity of low-mpg cars that's keeping prices from getting even worse than they are now.

That's just my $2.00 -- which can't even get me a gallon of gas thanks to the oil companies!
I don't know why I even posted in the first place, I do not own a car; the only car I have driven has been sold by my parents, and I my parents tell me a very reasonable thing to keep me out of getting a driving license right now. As I stated before, I don't own a car, so it'd be plain useless now.
I have gone through many Service Stations here, and I've seen the insane prices, but seeing as less consuming cars would make the prices go EVEN higher... I must agree with Nate on this.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Why do hybrids have to be so goddamned ugly?

Try this one out:

100% electric, 0 to 60 in 4 seconds, runs on the equivalent of 135 mpg, and it ain't to shabby lookin' either.

[Image: home_r1_c1.jpg]
Aren't we forgetting something? Electric cars have to get their power from electricity. Where do we get our electricity? Most of our electricity comes from coal burning plants that need serious environmental updates. I think we should start by switching all of our electricity to trash burning and wood burning plants, and then we can talk about how ugly these electric cars are.

Maybe I'm being a bit hasty here. This 3-wheeler might be a good start. How well can it handle? How many grocery bags? It probably wouldn't take much to make it useful.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
I can walk. It's clean, efficient, healthy, enviromentaly friendly, and I get to admire the scenery. I don't need to travel out of town very often.
Quote:I can walk. It's clean, efficient, healthy, enviromentaly friendly, and I get to admire the scenery. I don't need to travel out of town very often.
Good for you. I have to drive about twenty-five miles to get to work. I'm certainly not walking that far.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Herr Mullen Wrote:I can walk. It's clean, efficient, healthy, enviromentaly friendly, and I get to admire the scenery. I don't need to travel out of town very often.

I dont live in town, so i cant walk.

PS. Congrats on 1000 posts.