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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Ky blinks, not really getting what Slash really meant. "Um... I like you too. That's why we're friends, right?"
"No sugar coating it... Ky, I..I have fallen for you...and I have been watching your room from my room."
Ky's first reaction is Whoa.... This guy's a stalker....

Then he starts thinking for real. BIGGER whoa... he LIKES me? And LIKES ME likes me?

A light blush paints his face-- he isn't quite sure what to say. "U-um... I...."
Cronos saw Ky's glance at him and walked over to him and sees the blush. He put his arm around him a bit possively. "Hey Ky, you look like this guy just proposed. whats up?"
Veemon's Followers
Flicker's loud laughter can be heard from the living room "HAHAHA!! S-STop it- HAHAAHA!!" Flicker laughed happily.
Even though Flicker, Flamey and Mar are busy laughing and rolling on the ground together ("NOHOHOHAHAHA, MAR! Hehaha Stop!" cries Flamey, laughing harder and holding onto his brother) and Cronos is right there with his arm around him, Ky feels like he's suddenly alone under the brightest spotlight in the world.

"U-um... Well.... H-he's... My neighbor, Slash, and um...."

"Ryon, how much of this area have you seen?"
Cronos took out a flashlight from the stand beside the door and shined it down on Ky.
Veemon's Followers
"GAHAHAHAHA- M-M-MARR!! I Hav- HAHAHAHA- To p-AHAHAHAHEEHEhEHE- PEE!!" Flicker cried, lauhging hysterically.
Mar grinned and let off Flicker and Flamey alone and off from the tickles for a bit"Go to the toilet then, Flick." he said.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Flicker lay there for a bit, panting. He then flipped himself up- and ran to the toilet.