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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
Flamey too is laughing and squirming! "Ahahaha! M-Mikey, sto-ho-ho-hop it!"

Ky tilts his head. "Mikey now, huh?" He laughs and continues tickling them both. "How about you, Flick? Do I look like a Mikey?"
"Y-Y-YEAHAAHAHAAHAA!!" Flicker laughed uncontrolably.
"Well, you know the rule!" says Ky. "Call me whatever as long as it's not insultive, got it?" He tickles Flamey.

"Yahaahaha G-go-hot it!"

Ky moves on to Flicker. "Got it?"

OOC: Sorry, Cronos, didn't see your post! I'll fix it!

IC: Before Ky can get an answer from Flicker, he's bowled over by Cronos and starts laughing himself. "Hahahey Cronos! Hah-that's my job!"
Mar grins and joins the fun, getting over between Flicker and Ky, tickling them both with claws and tail.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ky laughs harder, trying to get to his feet again!
Cronos grinned. "i didn't think it was a job how much do you get paid?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins. "A load of laughter from these two!" He nods playfully at Flicker and Flamey.
Cronos leaned over Ky's ear and wispered "count of three and we get those two?"
Veemon's Followers
Ky grins and nods.
"one. two. THREE!" cronos tackled flicker and started to tickle him.
Veemon's Followers