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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"you'll have to stop both of us then" cronos walked up and yawned as he put him arm around Blue. "i have a ticket for beating the shit out of him cause he stoped us from killin the virmin the first time. i'm with blue on this one." 'theres gonna be hell to pay, but damn it all, some people just need to die.' he thought to blue.
Veemon's Followers
"That comes as no surprise to me," replies Zeke.
"never thought it would, weasel"
Veemon's Followers
"Good, dino."
"i am NOT a DINO, you tree-huggin weasel!"
Veemon's Followers
"And I'm not a weasel, you ground-kissing dino."
"i don't kiss the ground, but, because a weasel lives underground, i'm sure you have."
Veemon's Followers
"Sorry, but I live around the water, dino boy. That's why I'm called an otter. See the webbed paws?" He holds one up.
sorry to break the news, but i have hands, not claws like the dinos. otters don't have as much fur as you do, weasel."
Veemon's Followers
"... I'm the first otter you've ever seen, aren't I? It's 10:00. Do you know where YOUR brain is?"