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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"Lunar Counter!" Cerberus dispelled the gravity spell. "Thorns of ice!" Cerberus made ice shard sprout from the ground for seit to grab on to.
*last post
Veemon's Followers
"Seizon-Sha!" Keres puts a magical shield around Seit, himself and Cerberus.
Seit Charged For Geon again,jumping on Ice Shards.he Reached Geon and Punched him ni his face.but to no effect.Geon just grabed his arm and thrown him back into a Tree.".....and you."Geon looked at Cerberus."..your not dead...but...."Geon teleports behind Cerberus."......your not human as Seit your little friend...or is it Necrophillia..."
"So many ways for you to get stronger... I can't reveal too much... I'm busy. We will meet again.. Fallen archangel..." Shadow's voice echoed into nothingness.
Cerberus was suddenly behind Seit- so seit can use him as a platform. "Nope. I'm his Guardian."
"one of these days i'm going to kill him. now wheres that book on how to summon...."
Veemon's Followers
Seit Wakes up from his Anger Daze."ugh....Cerberus...what the hells going on..."he gets up and see's Geon."Shti!..why is he here!"
Cerberus let Seit rebound off his shoulder armor. "Now's not the time- you're about to do waht you've always wanted-"
Keres was behind the two, healing them. "Well, breif explenation of everything, you beat Legion into a pulp, then you came here to fight him" Keres points to Geon.