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Why do you love digimon?
Senjuro's right, metal was the only place they could go after were. And saintgargomon had henry fused with him so using those skills were only natual.
oh yeah- hehry studied... what was it? tai-chi?

Hey- how did weregarurumon get those scars in the first place?

and did you notice how much they weakened the season one and two digimon in seasons three and four!?
I'm not sure but I don't think it was Tai-Chi. Wasn't it Tae-kwon-do?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Wise probally knows. And scars? They may just be there naturally.
Plus a normal agumon may not be as strong as any of the the three partner agumon. It's the human factor.
I love digimon because they're furries.

Lol- yeah, theyre stronger because theyre with human partners....

But what about the other digimon in the background?
Quote:oh yeah- hehry studied... what was it? tai-chi?
I heard somewhere that it was tai chi, but I don't think the form was ever explicitly mentioned in the dub. In my series, I'm just calling it karate. I did see a screenshot with Henry wearing a dark colored belt (either brown or black) on an orange uniform.
[Image: AppealtoReason.jpg]
"I looked up and saw you;
I know that you saw me.
We froze but for a moment
In empathy."-Rise Against
Reminds me of prison.
The orange and black prison uniform?

What style has that... hmm...
With the metal topic again, They could have made some other type of ripped Weredoggy and gave him bits of plate metal armor, but they revamp him and made him so very different, what about Palmon's mega though? Rosemon is your basic badass and she's still natural

Hercules Kabuterimon isn't metal either and is way scarier than Wargreymon... just not as strong...

Plenty of cool Megas are not metal like SaberLeomon, MarineAngemon, BantyoLeomon, VenomMyotismon, the list goes on

It's not as if I hate the metal heads, it's just they did not have to become metal, maybe they could make alternative Wargreymon like how they made WargreymonX
Nope. Besides look at the angels, either they're in big metal armor or they're dragons. And there isn't a mega level greymon that isn't wearing some kind of metal. That's just it. Agumon usally evos that way and the others evolve the way they do because. It's pretty simple. He needed the dramon destroyer claws and the armor. While metal garurumon needed to be a walking arsenal. That's how they beat the dark masters. (except peidmon, that was mostly magna angemon)