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Digimon Savers / Digimon Data Squad
Here it is
And japenese is a "contextual language that happens to bear absolutely NO similarity or common origin with English, and you always have to analyse the situation when you're coming up with a translation.
Direct translation doesn't work, which is something you have to learn through experience."
Just in case you ask about how they subbed it.
Shadow: Saw some screenshots on the digiport and have to ask: who in their right minds would take on a monster 10 X your size with your bare hands!?

Shadow's brain: You would in a heartbeat.

Shadow: I said 'who in their RIGHT mind'.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
I read somewhere that he actually hurt Cockatrimon (sp?) because he had Digisoul charged in his hand...I bet soon after is when he uses it to evolve Agumon.
So he get's this digisoul in his hands, opens up a case of whoop butt on a giant chicken (Cockatorimon), and gives it up (You just know he'll lose it somehow, no one wants to see a human go toe to toe with a digimon) so Agumon can digivolve? If he's strong enough to punch that thing, the dude probably could've snapped a tank in half with an eyelid. Who would give that up?
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
You can't do that except for once. Since that's his character, He tryed it once then his actions and strong digisoul made agumon evolve. That's what happened.
Yeah it seems like he basically made his Digisoul physical in his hand, then released it with the punch and evolved Agumon. Which would make me assume that after his Digisoul "ties" to Agumon, it'll always be linked between them and flow to Agumon.
Yeah, exactly. It's like how they first evolved a lot of digimon in the past. By their willpower.
Includes VAs
Does this mean no more digivices?
No they have digivices. They may not have goggles but they have digivices.
They ALWAYS need Digivices :D

The Digivice used in Savers is the Digivice iC