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Funny Joke(18+ or anyone who doesn't care) (non-digi)
shadowknight Wrote:YES! I FOUND THE BOOK! Here are a few:
I'll write more later. The book has jokes on almost everything (religion, disabilitys, racism, gays, bisexuals, and alot of other stuff.) so tell me if there's a specific category that you wanna hear.
Awwww..... is that from the 80's by any chance?
And that was a kind of funny one KS.
Sorry they don't list the jokes easily so I haven't found polish ones but I'll keep an eye out as i skim through the book. Heres some religion ones:

"I have good news, and I have bad news," spoke Moses as he returned from the peaks of Mt. Sinai. "The good news is that God has reduced the commandments to ten. The bad news is that adultery's still in."

The Bible professor dropped the stack of essays on the desk and looked into the .
"Everyone passed," he said, "with the exception of O'Dolin."
The young student looked up with genuine surprise. "Professor," he said, " I thought my paper on Jesus was revolutionary!"
"That it was," the professor agreed, "though I hardly consider it 'proof' that Jesus was Jewish simply because he went into his father's business, lived at home until he was thirth, and had a mother who thought he was God."

Jesus was strolling through Heaven when he saw an old man sitting on a cloud, starin disconsolately into the distance.
"Old man," said Jesus, "this is Heaven! Why are you so sad?"
The old man didn't bother to turn as he said, "I've been looking for my son and haven't been able to find him."
Jesus said, "Tell me about it."
"Well," said the old man, still gazing at the sunlit horizon, "on earth I was a carpenter, and one day my son went away. I never heard from him again, and I was hoping I'd find him here, in Heaven."
His heart pounding suddenly in his chest, Jesus bent over the old man and said, "Father?"
The old man turned and cried, "Pinocchio?"

And UnknownH *looks at first page on book* it says First printing was 1987, wow.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
thats a really oldish book that contains some distinct jokes about everything and it has some good jokes too.... Keep it coming....

Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Creative Minds

No they belong to me!(with proper grammar xD)
LOL- I needed that! got any about animals?
Tons of animal ones:

Two mice are making their way through a whore-house when one of them stops to admire a woman's naked bottom.
"Nice, huh?"
"So-so," says the other. "Me? I'm a titmouse.
The bear had to move his bowels and lumbered into the woods. As chance would have it, he found a rabbit doing the same. Suatiing beside the hare, the bear asked, "Say, do you have trouble with shit sticking to your fur?"
The rabbit finished up and shook his head. "None whatsoever."
Nodding, the bear copleted his own chore. "That's good," he growled and, grabbing the bunny, used him to wipe his ass.
A blonde walked into the pet store and, after looking up and down the aisles, asked the proprietor for help.
"I'd like a box of birdseed," said the lady.
"For which kind of bird?" he asked helpfully.
"Oh, I dunno," the woman replied. "Whichever will grow the fastest."

*That was more blonde, but it was still animal right?*
Q: Why do mice have small balls?
A: Because so few know how to dance.
Q: What did the Indian say when he'd bagged a doe without eyes?
A: I have no eye deer.
Q: What do you call the stork that delivers a moron?
A: A dope peddler.

*This one isn't animal but it was hilarious*
Q: How can you spot a blind person at a nudist colony?
A: It isn't hard.

I post more tommorow.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
The stork one is so-so.
A lot of jokes can be. And If they're really tasteless then they may be from that book from the 80s. IF they have a large amount of cursing then they're not.
I like the last one and the one about the bear- and the mice balls- evil green mind of mine!