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*realizes what he's done*

"(gasps) oh God- I'm so sorry- uhm- you can always summon evil dragons for you to beat- theyre stronger than omega..."
Well, since nobody else is gonna do anything, I will.
*Summons 5 huge black 3-headed firebreathing dragons to attack Senjuro, Gunter, and Blue. 5 dragons for each of them*
"Tchusinkai-no-jitsu-Horengan!!!" Guneter yelled in shock- he unleashed some kind of black energy like an overdrive- but he stopped just as it killed five dragons and two heads of another.

"god damn killing reflexes!!! thank god I stopped before I got them all- or: deja vu! can you summon more- just in case I do it again?"

the cave trembles.

"REINFORCE!" gunter reinforced the cave again, making it stop shaking.

"c'mon! there's a bunch more!"
"Hmph..." *he adjusts his cloak minutely, then extends a hand, pointing at the nearest dragon*

"Icicle Edge!"

*a multitude of glistening, pure white icicles form around his outstretched arm, flating in the air. Without warning, the rocket forward, mortally wounding the first dragon*

*turns to see another one closing on him fast*


*But it missed. He teleported inside the dragon and ripped it apart from the inside out with his newly acquired Bladed Knuckles of Exodus. Flares up a large aura of energy, burning the dragon blood and guts off him*

*glares over his shoulder at his remaining 3 dragons*

"Try your luck?"
"that's right! you can use the dragons for weapons practice! get to know your arms!"
How tall is this tunnel? I'm wanting to exparament a little with these dragons.
"Ive calculated, and it's about a kilometer high."
Alright, that's tall enough for this then.
*Holds up his sword and starts chanting*
*All the dragons start to drift toward the speaker and begin to morph into one*
Mwhahahaha! Now, with the 3 dragons and I morphed together, and with the power of the sword, I am now a near-invincible fighter. That's basically what my dragon spawns look like. That's about what I look like when fused with the dragons. Basically a humanoid lizard thing, but really tall, about 10m tall and with my sword. My minions. I usually only have a couple of them with me, but they only step in when they are needed. Stand 1m tall. This is my bodyguard. He steps in before my minions do and stand about 2 1/2 meters tall.
OOC: nice!

IC: wow- when did you learn to do that!?
When you were all dozing off, I went into the corner over there and examined the sword some more. If you know what to do, then you can see the encantation(sp?) glow on the blade of the sword. Just like this ring that I found. If you throw this in the fire, it glows some weird characters. But the sword language, I doubt any of you guys could read. It's a language used only by Dragon Tamers, passed down from generation to generation, and I guess now it's my turn.