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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"well, it was kinda hard actually... I had to finish the mission first before getting here. it's our job to hunt and destroy demons, guard something, or other stuff depending on what kind of guardian you are. I happen to be the guardian of consequences, I have a partner- but he's busy." moonshadow explained as he aproached vagabond.

"you see... we have certain rules and laws. one of them- is a guardian shall not kill, nor harm non-demons. Vagabond there for instance, is a vermilion demon. I convinced my superiors to cut my mission short- so I could take down a high ranking demon..." Moonshadow stopped five feet away from Vagabond, who slowly and gingerly sat up.

"it's time to finish this." moonshadow whispered menacingly. he raised a hand toward Vagabond, and beagan charging. it was filling with light and electricity.

"Divine Judgme-" Moonshadow was about to say- but he was suddenly knocked back one yard- the beam went into the sky.

"Long time no see, moonshadow." said the figure that countered moonshadow's attack. it was standing between Moonshadow and Vagabond.

"just in time." Smirked Vagabond, as the figure helped him up.

"you've grown weaker." the figure scolded, it spread it's huge wings, then folded them again.

"oh- it's you." moonshadow said boredly.

The figure helped put Vagabond's arm around his neck for support. "yeah it's me." the figure smirked.

"vajura- I've been looking for you." Moonshadow growled.

Vajura examined Vagabond. "I take it you're not vegarel anymore."

"I'm vagabond now. live with with it." Vagabond grunted.

"Vagabond? heh- you couldnt think of a better name?" Vajura taunted.

"fine! from now on my name's Vagrant! happy, Jura?" Vagrant said.

"same meaning." Vajura taunted.

"It's Vermilion, okay!?" Vermilion yelled. he was getting impatient.

"that's better." Vajura taunted. then spread his wings, healed vermilion, than carried him.

"you think I'm going to just let you two walk away? I'm going to kill you!" Moonshadow yelled- but it was already too late, they were being engulfed by darkness in mid-air.

"oh yes- i almost forgot-" Vermilion said- he sudenly threw something at Ky- but Scarlet intercepted it, and it pricked her on the arm. "that's for being my vessel. thank you." he smirked then dissapeared with Vajura.

"damn it! I was so close!" moonshadow yelled.

"oh no..." scarlet said softly.

"what is it?" blue asked.

scarlet was trembling... she held out something purple... a despairose.
Ky tries his InfernoSlash move again, it's much stronger this time now that he's healed.
"when i get my hands on that basterd i will rip him to pieces! and that spell should have killed him!"

punches the ground making a crater 25 feet in all directions.

"first things first. we need to find a way to heal scarlet. and i'm rather oblivous to almost all my powers. mostly because there is no one to teach me."
Veemon's Followers
"The only thing I can do is use my bladeboard and fire burning X's all over the place...."
" i gess we are in the same boat then. and moonshadow if you say you can teach us i'll start to belive that your a couple of eons old. there is no way god would let you learn Fallen ways. and if he did may god strike me now....and live."
Veemon's Followers
Scarlet fell to her knees, clutching her chest. "i-it's to late... I'm going to die." Scarlet sobbed.

Moonshadow silently approached her, he knelt down beside her. and unexpectedly- he hugged her. "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry... I couldn
back with Shadow and Chaos...

"Checkmate." Shadow said as he trapped Chaos's king.

"darn it- I cant get a break! -eh? what
Ky stares wide-eyed at the place where Scarlet had once been.

"Uh... y-yeah... training...."


Veemon jumps up and down excitedly. "Mommy, Daddy, Gomamon! Look! I found it! I found it!"

Veemon's parents and his friend come running. With a big smile on his face and jumping around like an excited jumping bean, Veemon pointed eagerly to a shining object in a hole under a bush. It had the shape of an egg, only it had a large metal spike going through it and a fiery design.

Gomamon stares. "Wow! It's the Digiegg of Courage!"

His mother smiles in reminiscence. "Just like your brother. He was only a little bit older than you when he found the Digiegg.... I still have it...."

Veemon smiles. "Just like bwother!" He reaches out and touches the egg. His whole body gbegins to glow with bright, yellow light as he changes form.

When the light disappears, the egg is gone and in Veemon's place stands a Flamedramon. Though he's shorter than most Flamedramon due to his age, he is indeed a Flamedramon, and pretty happy about it!

"Wow, you look so cool, Flamedramon!"

Flamedramon smiles, with only one thought on his mind.

Now that I'm a Flamedramon, I can go find my brother!

" i'm never gonna do that again. and i've got this hatred for god and a strange longing to go to hell. is that normal? where are we going to train first? oh and i've got another hundred questions."

gets up and walks over to moonshadow.

"i can sense those basterds too and its driveing me up the wall not to go kick thier asses now."

started up the wall of the half destroyed building beside them.

" quite literily"
Veemon's Followers
"Know one thing: never rush." Moonshadow said. he opened a portal. "listen, we are dealing force much more powerful than ourselves... I'm not sure if I told you this before, Blue, but shadow... was once a guardian as well. now he is one of the most powerful beings around: a Fallen Guardian."

Blue looked shocked. "Fall... Fallen Guardian.... how do we defeat that!?" Blue asked. "and what the hell is a Transcendsent Form!?"

"You just answered your own question. A transcendent form is what can defeat shadow... it is your dormant power within."

he turned to Ky. "you have dormant power too... I'm going to wake it up.

then to Cronos. "Cronos- listen. you dont hate God- nor do you want to go to hell. that's just a temporary feeling you get for the first few days as a fallen. it will go away soon. you are a fallen- and fallen have certain laws... YOU, just broke a couple.
1) Respect God.
2) do not harm or kill innocents.
3) no random property dammage.
4) you shall by no circumstances, harm nature.

if you dont follow those laws... you're going to hell. literally."


"-so I suggest you two learn to get along. Got it?" Shadow Finished.

"got it." Vermilion and Vajura said in unison, and went into a nearby forest to 'bond'.

Shadow looked at Chaos, and discovered that he was looking dolefully at the sand. he had drawn something on it.

Shadow went beside Chaos, and looked at what he drew on the sand: a little veemon.

"what's wrong? you don't look happy." Shadow said.

"It... It's nothing, Shadow. really. it's nothing." Chaos said softly.

"it's something alright. spill. I know youre keeping something from me, I raised you, remember?" Shadow comforted him.

"I miss my little brother, okay? I was just reminded of how we used to play... that's all." Chaos replied.

"I never knew you had a little brother." Shadow said.

"I never told you about my family... I was just a veemon back then when you found me, then I trained with you as flamedramon- and now, here I am...brimming with the powers of the elements, chaos and darkness. all the power I could ever want- but power doesnt show you it cares. it doesnt hug you and say 'I love you', it doesnt say 'you're the best the best big brother ever', it doesnt play with you when you're bored, it doesnt show you what a family can..." Chaos explained.

"I see." Shadow said, and then he put an arm around Chaos, surprising him. "But I can."

"Shadow..." Chaos said.

"you want love? I may be a Guardian, and I'm not allowed to love- but I'm a Fallen Guardian now- and I can show you I care." Shadow said.

"I love you, you're the only family I've ever had- and you're the closest thing to a brother I will ever have." Shadow hugged him a bit tighter.

"thank you shadow!" chaos said happily, and he threw his arms around shadow as well. "I'm going to go play in the woods- wanna' come?" Chaos said cheerfully as he got up.

"sorry Chaos, but I'm very busy-" Shadow started- but Chaos replied fast.

"okay. I'll just go play by myself." Chaos said sadly, and he slumped into the woods.

"jeez, Okay- I'll play with you!" shadow said.

"really?" Chaos said, he happy once more.

"you're still just a kid, I'll play with you, but I have to go back and think, okay?" Shadow patted chaos on the head.

"kay! thank you! follow me!" Chaos ran into the forest. "-Big Brother!" Chaos added, then continued in.