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Yaoi RPG? sounds fun! lets get it started!
"WHAT?!" Ky is VERY surprised. "WHAT THE HECK IS HE DOING?!"

Reyli gasps, surprised, backing away slowly. "No... l-leave me alone!"
"hey... why are you backing away? I dont bite.... all the time."
Ky surprises her from behind, ramming into her with full speed and force. He instantly slashes with his blades, trying to get her away from Reyli.

Reyli just stares, stunned.
Vegarel did her "quick as a flash" move, and the blade missed, she reapered behind Ky, kicking him in the butt, he lands on Reyli. "*giggle* funny boy.."
Ky gets up quickly, rubbing his tail.

"Cheap.... how the heck am I supposed to hit you if you keep doing that, huh?!"

Reyli stays on the ground, not knowing what to think or say, lest it costs him his life.
"hee-hee, very funny Mikey-poo! your friend seems very fearful of me- I thought you hated him! then why are you protecting him from me? I'm only going to mutilate him..." Vegarel said in unnatural cheerfullness.
"You're an idiot...."

He gives Reyli a meaningful look. "Both of you."

Reyli doesn't object, still nervous around Vegrel.
Vegarel has disapeared again, she did it when ky turned his eyes towards Reyli, she reappers sitting beside reyli, a cheerful look on her face.
"Hi... I'm Veg! what's YOUR name? give it to me so I can engrave it on your cold lifeless skull!" she said cheerfully.
Ky grabs Reyli and throws him as hard and far as he can (which is fairly far. Reyli lands with a thud, but gets up quickly and disappears out of view.
"aw- what did you do that for? youre no fun!" vegarel said- then she disappeared, and reapered with Reyli on her shoulders, she dropped him on the ground and playfully stepped on his crotch. "hahaha... that's so cute..."