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no prob...
hey- wait a second...

*does a full body scan on Dale*

-no wonder. you dont seem to be affected by the element of poison.
Yes, I rather enjoy poison actually. Anybody seen that one movie with the Zoro looking guy who was running from these people he only eded up joining with, I think the big guy was Andre the Giant and he killed the head bad guy with poison because he was immune to it, since he had been exposed to it for so long? Well, that's how I am. I've built up an immunity to poison. I am a true fighting machine.

(Btw, idk if I've said this or not, but I am grounded and can only get on late at night if at all and may fade in and out. If this happens, make shit up for me, but Senj!!, No getting me killed!)
occ: dont worry, no ones getting killed as long as I'm around!

ic: ....figures. carry on.
"hold on... too much poison can cancel out the immunity- or make it stronger. anyway... I have some refereeing to do."
Well, the point is that I have an immunity.
"yeah, alright already- I know youre immune- SO GO KICK ASS!!!"
Veemon's Followers
ooc: Bahahahah, grounded? Dude, what'd you do?

ic: Hmph. Well since all my attacks keep being either countered or refereed, I will not act and will instead counter the next move against me.
(cheers overactedly, due to lack of action)
OCC: It's not what I did, it's what I didn't do. Out of 7 of my graded class, I got 5 F's, an A, and a C+.

IC: Well, I'll have to think of something to do. Shouldn't be to hard since your ankles are pretty much shattered.