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accually its an earth adept psyenergy
Veemon's Followers
=( I at least wanted to slash one of them with my katana...
okay, okay- this is CHAOS!!!
when we reach omega, there will be enough monster ass for ALL of us bite- er- *reads pocket book* kick!
or if you want to fight so badly- why dont I SUMMON some monsters for you to oblterate? fun, yes?
*leans against a wall*

Tch, let's stop this bickering over monster kills. Let's just head deeper into the cavern.

Unless we're going to fight each other, the only other challenge we're going to find here is Omega WEAPON. So why don't we just move right along?

I'm going. Are you guys going to come?

*turns without another word and walks deeper into the cavern, a magical flame burning in his hand lighting the way*
Veemon's Followers
I'm with you 500%.
(follows senjuro loyally)
Well, how powerful is this Omega? If it's like, kick ass, then we should summon some monsters and shit to train on. Or, we could go to a popular monster area (Like I do on FFX), we could do that.
So far we've all proven ourselves in battle....except for you, Dale.

Perhaps a little one-on-one to test your about it? *eyes glow ominously* Not to the death of course.
heh... Don't you ever watch the movies? The little guy that stands in the corner is always the fastest most powerful one that waits till the big guy to show off. But, if you insist, then I shall duel you. Weapon of choice? I shall choose my sakabato, since we will just be dueling.

EDIT: Or, if you prefer I could use a Shinai. There's a picture, just incase you wanna know what it looks like.
A sakabatou, eh? Heh, interesting, interesting. Use whatever you wish. Just because it's not to the death, doesn't mean we won't shed any blood. Don't pull any punches, Dale, or you'll just end up getting hurt.