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(a random battle between a chest [mimic] and a lizard [forgot name])

this time, I'm going to let you kill them. he said, tying to stp himself from killing them himself.
(yay, violence!)

Hah, only a Mimic and Sahagin? Tch, it might be a bit of overkill, but since that seems to be the theme....

*clenches fist and starts to accumulate a massive amount of magical energy*

Brush off vanity and show reality...

*the energy starts to expand out, spreading out in an incandescant, blue dome of pure energy*


*the dome rakes through the two foes who scarcely had time to take a step forward, annihilating them entirely*

*nothing remains of them*

*singing* Yahho watashi wa kattaze!

Ahh, I love that spell. *energy still crackling between his fingers* I feel much better now. Thanks, Gunter. I'd say we're about even now.
Well, I want the next one then guys. =( Don't forget about me.
I'm glad.
oh goody, look! if I'm not mistaken, those three giant figures over there are...
two King behemoths and a... Humbaba! yipee! one each? or do i leave them to you two?
forgetting about me already?i feel kinda left out now.
Veemon's Followers
hello there, I was talking to both of you!
but thereare four of us. you, dale, sanji, and yours truly. *dodges bolder*
Veemon's Followers
Rock paper scissors? (sp?)
ducks under another bolder.
to hell with it, final ragnarock!
three giant, flaming swords come out of the sky and kills the three monsters
Veemon's Followers
A triple Metamorph? Never seen a summon like that before...fascinating! What were they "better off" when they morphed? Hopefully some good items.