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*After exploring for a couple of hours, he notices a door in the back of a dark pathway*
Senjuro, check this out...
*Opens the door and see a small light in the distance*
*Walks towards it with Senjuro at his side*
*Falls through some mytical worm-hole*
*both get sucked through time and space swirling seemingly endlessly*

*both land, unceremoniously, on a pile of rubble in the middle of a sunblasted barren in the middle of nowehere*

*gets up gingerly, shaking head groggily*

Ok, what have you always heard about the light? You never, EVER run TOWARDS the light...sheesh...

Well...*looks around*...uhhhh, where are we? *begins to sweat*'s boiling hot out here. We'd better find some cover and figure out how we can get back to the others.

*concentrates for a moment, sweeping the area with his mind, looking for anything: water, adversaries, shelter*

There's a cave or something close by. Maybe there're gems n' jewels in there, too. Let's go.

*heads off*
*grab's senjuro's collar*

and where do you think youre going? you cant just run off anywhere! I mean, yeah, there's a shitload of jewels in there, but the Omega Weapon is in there too, wanna fight it?
Hey now! *removes Gunter's hand from jacket* Hands off the threads. An ensemble like this doesn't come cheaply, y'know. Why d'you think I need all these gems and precious metals? I've an image to keep up!

Anyway, Omega WEAPON, eh? Tch, bring it on. Check out THESE treasures. *removes the Earth Harp and Desert Rose from a pocket inside his jacket* You know what these mean, right? *replaces the precious, battle-earned treasure back in their special places*

If I was able to get these, then Omega WEAPON's toast.

(yay, 100 posts)
Sorry? how could one spend so much on just thread?
and- no, I dont know what those items mean. the desert rose couldve come from a dessert- and the earth harp- how did it even fit in that jacket... oh! I was wondering what that hump was...
and... no. I dont think Omega Weapon is edible enough to turn into toast.

(in this RPG, my character's slang is a bit "off" lol )

instead of spending so much on thread, and making your ensemble, why not just BUY the clothes themselves? it really doesn make much sense... :?

*sigh* if you must, go then. do what you Americans say- Punch his posterior?


hold on.

(gets a pocket book out from somewhere in his cloak. American Slang for the Slang-challenged)

. . .


Kick omega's ASS!!!

(returns the pocket book into folds of his cloak)

may I be of service?

I have x99 Door to Tomorrow, it's one of my Battle spoils from other boss monsters. I guess I'll have your spine-er- (reads pocketbook again) -I mean- I've got your back on this one, oh great warrior who picks roses from desserts and carries stone harps on his back. (kneels down on one knee, vowing to fight alongside him no matter what.)
*gasp* I figured someone as well versed in the world as yourself would know about those precious treasures! The Desert Rose is the prize I received from defeating Ruby WEAPON, and the Earth Harp I received after annihilating Emerald WEAPON.

In explanation of my attire, this jacket is enchanted to open into a huge storage space. That's how I can fit seemingly countless items in there. How I always put my hand on what I actually want on the first try baffles me, however. Anyway, I'm sure you can see why I wouldn't want it damaged; it was damned expensive!

I'm confident enough in our abilities that we don't need Trio of 9999 to take down Ultima WEAPON. *cracks knuckles, electrcity arcing from his fingers* Unless there are any objections...

*he decends into the cave, a magical flame burning in his hand to light the way*
So, let me get this straight... First, Gunter followed us and fell through this weird parralel(sp?) universe with us? Damn you Senjuro... I knew you'd be to loud. It's all those gems that you took. You make way to much noise. Second, so that cave contains a HUGE weapon? Well, what's it do? For my cloak, also, is abnormal. I had it custom made to be the same as InuYasha's. What is it made with again? A um... Something with fire, I know that... Dammit.
*Looks in his Book of Anime*
Damn cheap book... Well, yea. That's what my armour is made out of.
(scratches his head with a finger) .......

no, not a trio of 9999, Ive processed all the alchemy within, and mixed them a different way... *sigh* the single strike of infinity is the outcome.

(he lifts his cloak a bit, looking at it puzzlingly)
I dont know about what I'm wearing... It just seems to be made of darkness... eerie, unending, limitless darkness... I dont even know what it can really do, *sigh* wait for me, I swore my loyalty to you, I'm, gonna keep it... no matter how weird this gets.

(he does a few Handseals) Raigeki! (he charges up a ball of electricity and uses it as a flashlight) Dale, do you want to come along? I think senjuro is pretty Female Doggin'- wait, thats not right... (checks book again)
I meant: Senjuro is Bitchin! I guess his battle spoils for defeating petrified WEAPONS made precious stones are pretty... impressive?
I mean... It really isnt that easy to break emerald and ruby statues, right? i dont know- I never tried to break expensive stuff. he got a Desert Rose for destroying a hunk of ruby, and he got a Stone Harp instead of keeping the huge Emerald sculpture? now I'm really confused. (he follows senjuro in) still I think he's pretty (reads pocket book again) -cool. lol
Well now that we've got it all settled, let's continue, shall we?

*bats flap away, shrieking, from the party as they continue deeper into the cave*

Halt for a moment. I sense something up ahead.

*searches the passage ahead with his mind*

Yes, there are....creatures up ahead. Let's go and fix that "little problem."